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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Action–Angle Variables in a Particular Case of the Restricted Three-Body Problem Markeev, A. P.

65 3 p. 103-108
2 A Functional Formulation of the Statistical Theory of Turbulence Teodorovich, E. V.

65 3 p. 112-114
3 An Ideal-Fluid Flow through a Stationary Granular Layer in the Presence of a Flat Wall Gus’kov, O. B.

65 3 p. 94-99
4 Application of Graphene Composites for Additional Vibration Damping in Smart Structures Based on Piezoelectric Elements Matveenko, V. P.

65 3 p. 85-89
5 Change in the Character of Stability of Equilibrium in the Case of a Change in the Rigidity of a Generalize Coordinate Selyutskiy, Yu. D.

65 3 p. 109-111
6 Designing Heat Concentrators of the Highest Efficiency Using an Optimization Method Alekseev, G. V.

65 3 p. 115-118
7 Dynamics of Shock Waves in Media with Longitudinal Stratification Bogdanov, A. N.

65 3 p. 83-84
8 Modeling the Process of Extracting Valuable Metals from Metal-Containing Materials by the Method of Filtration Combustion Lutsenko, N. A.

65 3 p. 123-127
9 The Dynamic Impact of a Turbulent Jet on the Surrounding Environment Krasheninnikov, S. Yu.

65 3 p. 119-122
10 The Motion of a Nonholonomic Chaplygin Sphere in a Magnetic Field, the Grioli Problem, and the Barnett–London Effect Borisov, A. V.

65 3 p. 90-93
11 The Residual Flow Effect in a Geothermal Loop Cherkasov, S. V.

65 3 p. 128-130
12 Velocity-Field Measurements in a Fluid Boundary Layer Based on High-Speed Thermography Koroteeva, E. Yu.

65 3 p. 100-102
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland