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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Asymptotic Analysis of Double-Row Riveting of Kirchhoff Plates Nazarov, S. A.

65 12 p. 442-446
2 Derivation of the Equations of Electrodynamics and Gravitation from the Principle of Least Action Vedenyapin, V. V.

65 12 p. 413-417
3 Dynamic Stability of a Cylindrical Shell Reinforced by Longitudinal Ribs of Piecewise-Constant Thickness under Axial Loading Bakulin, V. N.

65 12 p. 436-441
4 Measuring the Microwave Conductivity of Platinum Ultrathin Films Andreev, V. G.

65 12 p. 447-451
5 Self-Assembly of Fluorescent Photonic Crystal Structures in Binary Water–Glycerol Solvent Droplets Savenko, O. A.

65 12 p. 424-430
6 The Block-Element Method in Expansion of the Solutions of Complex Boundary-Value Problems in Mechanics Babeshko, V. A.

65 12 p. 431-435
7 The Effects of a Sharp Increase in the Intensity of the Course of Hydrodynamic and Nonlinear Wave Processes under Changes in the Geometry of the Flow Area and the Pressure at the Inlet and Outlet of Hydrodynamic Generators of the Vortex Type Ganiev, S. R.

65 12 p. 452-455
8 The Influence of Stationary Periodic Wave Structures on the Local Strength of an Ice Field Epifanov, V. P.

65 12 p. 418-423
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland