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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical Description of Vapor Bubble Growth in a Superheated Liquid: A New Approach Chernov, A. A.

65 11 p. 405-408
2 Calculated Analysis of Experimental Data on the Aerothermodynamics of the Hypersonic Aircraft HIFiRE-1 Surzhikov, S. T.

65 11 p. 400-404
3 Dependence of the Elastic Properties of H5-Chondrites (NWA 12370) on Pressure Voropaev, S. A.

65 11 p. 383-386
4 Hierarchy of Times for the Establishment of the Gibbs Distribution Brazhkin, V. V.

65 11 p. 379-382
5 Promising Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical Complexes with Parallel Structure Veliev, E. I.

65 11 p. 409-412
6 Stress Concentration Near Stiff Cylindrical Inclusions under Anti-Plane Shear Loading Lomakin, E. V.

65 11 p. 390-395
7 The Connection of the Asymptotics of the Far Field of a Jet with the Velocity Profile at an Orifice Gaifullin, A. M.

65 11 p. 387-389
8 The Kaiser Effect under Multiaxial Nonproportional Compression of Sandstone Panteleev, I. A.

65 11 p. 396-399
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland