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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A New Model of Erosion Destruction Kuzavov, V. T.

64 12 p. 479-481
2 A Theoretical and Experimental Method for Determining the Elastic Characteristics of Nanomaterials Fomin, V. M.

64 12 p. 466-469
3 Behavior of Viscoplastic Rocks near Fractures: Mathematical Modeling Shelukhin, V. V.

64 12 p. 461-465
4 Criteria for the Existence of Ferry Vortex Singularities in Supersonic Conic Flows in the Absence of Branch Points of Shock Waves Zubin, M. A.

64 12 p. 475-478
5 Effect of Standing Waves on the Local Strength of a Modeled Ice Field Epifanov, V. P.

64 12 p. 456-460
6 High-Temperature Gas Extrusion of a Reactive Ni + Al Powder Mixture Galiev, F. F.

64 12 p. 446-448
7 Mechanism of Detonation Formation upon Free Flame Propagation in an Unconfined Space Kiverin, A. D.

64 12 p. 449-452
8 Mechanisms of Coalescence of Metallic Nanodroplets and Sintering of Metallic Nanoparticles Samsonov, V. M.

64 12 p. 453-455
9 New Cases of Integrable Ninth-Order Systems with Dissipation Shamolin, M. V.

64 12 p. 487-493
10 Precession of the Orbit of Mercury Amel’kin, N. I.

64 12 p. 470-474
11 Refined Stress Analysis in Applied Elasticity Problems Accounting for Gradient Effects Lomakin, E. V.

64 12 p. 482-486
12 Source of a Mega-Ampere Current with ~100-ns Time of Rise Based on an Explosive Magnetic Generator Bazanov, A. A.

64 12 p. 443-445
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland