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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age at diagnosis modifies associations of type 2 diabetes with cancer incidence and mortality: a retrospective matched-cohort study Yang, Zongming

66 8 p. 1450-1459
2 Angry scientists, angry analysts and angry novelists Doi, Suhail A.

66 8 p. 1580-1583
3 Angry scientists, angry analysts and angry novelists. Reply to Doi SA and Abdulmajeed J [letter] Bonora, Enzo

66 8 p. 1584
4 Correction to: The impact of population-level HbA1c screening on reducing diabetes diagnostic delay in middle-aged adults: a UK Biobank analysis Young, Katherine G.

66 8 p. 1585
5 Disruption of cortical cell type composition and function underlies diabetes-associated cognitive decline Little, Karis

66 8 p. 1557-1575
6 Genetically proxied glucose-lowering drug target perturbation and risk of cancer: a Mendelian randomisation analysis Yarmolinsky, James

66 8 p. 1481-1500
7 Genetic evidence that high BMI in childhood has a protective effect on intermediate diabetes traits, including measures of insulin sensitivity and secretion, after accounting for BMI in adulthood Hawkes, Gareth

66 8 p. 1472-1480
8 Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion depends on FFA1 and Gq in neonatal mouse islets Lorza-Gil, Estela

66 8 p. 1501-1515
9 HbA1c screening for the diagnosis of diabetes Brož, Jan

66 8 p. 1576-1577
10 HbA1c screening for the diagnosis of diabetes. Reply to Brož J, Brabec M, Krollová P et al [letter] Young, Katherine G.

66 8 p. 1578-1579
11 Hypoglycaemia frequency and physiological response after double or triple doses of once-weekly insulin icodec vs once-daily insulin glargine U100 in type 2 diabetes: a randomised crossover trial Pieber, Thomas R.

66 8 p. 1413-1430
12 Inhibition of the type 1 diabetes candidate gene PTPN2 aggravates TNF-α-induced human beta cell dysfunction and death Roca-Rivada, Arturo

66 8 p. 1544-1556
13 Interaction between plasma phospholipid odd-chain fatty acids and GAD65 autoantibodies on the incidence of adult-onset diabetes: the EPIC-InterAct case–cohort study Lampousi, Anna-Maria

66 8 p. 1460-1471
14 Patient-reported outcomes for people with diabetes: what and how to measure? A narrative review Terwee, Caroline B.

66 8 p. 1357-1377
15 Prediabetes, intervening diabetes and subsequent risk of dementia: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study Hu, Jiaqi

66 8 p. 1442-1449
16 Recovery of intracellular glucose uptake in T cells during partial remission of type 1 diabetes Tang, Rong

66 8 p. 1532-1543
17 RELA governs a network of islet-specific metabolic genes necessary for beta cell function Zammit, Nathan W.

66 8 p. 1516-1531
18 Risk phenotypes of diabetes and association with COVID-19 severity and death: an update of a living systematic review and meta-analysis Schlesinger, Sabrina

66 8 p. 1395-1412
19 Sarah A. Hills RGN MSc, 28 September 1960–1 May 2023 Boulton, Andrew J. M.

66 8 p. 1355-1356
20 Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells preserve endogenous insulin production in type 1 diabetes: a Phase I/II randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial Carlsson, Per-Ola

66 8 p. 1431-1441
21 Up Front
66 8 p. 1353-1354
22 100 years of glucagon and 100 more Wewer Albrechtsen, Nicolai J.

66 8 p. 1378-1394
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland