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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achievements, prospects and challenges in precision care for monogenic insulin-deficient and insulin-resistant diabetes Bonnefond, Amélie

65 11 p. 1782-1795
2 A novel diabetes typology: towards precision diabetology from pathogenesis to treatment Herder, Christian

65 11 p. 1770-1781
3 A roadmap to achieve pharmacological precision medicine in diabetes Florez, Jose C.

65 11 p. 1830-1838
4 Coordination of glucose monitoring, self-care behaviour and mental health: achieving precision monitoring in diabetes Hermanns, Norbert

65 11 p. 1883-1894
5 Diabetes precision medicine: plenty of potential, pitfalls and perils but not yet ready for prime time Griffin, Simon

65 11 p. 1913-1921
6 Do gene–environment interactions have implications for the precision prevention of type 2 diabetes? Sørensen, Thorkild I. A.

65 11 p. 1804-1813
7 Lifestyle interventions in pregnancy targeting GDM prevention: looking ahead to precision medicine Sparks, Joshua R.

65 11 p. 1814-1824
8 One size does not fit all: an historian’s perspective on precision diabetes medicine Tuchman, Arleen M.

65 11 p. 1907-1912
9 Personalised prevention of type 2 diabetes Wareham, Nicholas J.

65 11 p. 1796-1803
10 Pharmacoepigenetics in type 2 diabetes: is it clinically relevant? Ling, Charlotte

65 11 p. 1849-1853
11 Phenotypic and genetic classification of diabetes Deutsch, Aaron J.

65 11 p. 1758-1769
12 Pinpointing precision medicine for diabetes mellitus Krook, Anna

65 11 p. 1755-1757
13 Precision medicine in type 1 diabetes Carr, Alice L. J.

65 11 p. 1854-1866
14 Precision nutrition in diabetes: when population-based dietary advice gets personal Merino, Jordi

65 11 p. 1839-1848
15 Precision prognostics for the development of complications in diabetes Schiborn, Catarina

65 11 p. 1867-1882
16 The role of mental disorders in precision medicine for diabetes: a narrative review Kremers, Sanne H. M.

65 11 p. 1895-1906
17 Where to for precision treatment of HNF1A-MODY? Bonner, Caroline

65 11 p. 1825-1829
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland