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                             33 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of overlapping genetic association in type 1 and type 2 diabetes Inshaw, Jamie R. J.

64 6 p. 1342-1347
2 Assessing data on the incidence of lower limb amputation in diabetes Jeffcoate, William

64 6 p. 1442-1446
3 Associations of progression to diabetes and regression to normal glucose tolerance with development of cardiovascular and microvascular disease among people with impaired glucose tolerance: a secondary analysis of the 30 year Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Outcome Study Chen, Yanyan

64 6 p. 1279-1287
4 Cold-induced dishabituation in rodents exposed to recurrent hypoglycaemia Vickneson, Keeran

64 6 p. 1436-1441
5 Correction to: High extracellular ATP levels released through pannexin-1 channels mediate inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle fibres of diet-induced obese mice Jorquera, Gonzalo

64 6 p. 1457
6 Correction to: Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-Up Study: newborn anthropometrics and childhood glucose metabolism Bianco, Monica E.

64 6 p. 1456
7 Correction to: Maternal blood glucose level and offspring glucose–insulin homeostasis: what is the role of offspring adiposity? Francis, Ellen C.

64 6 p. 1451-1453
8 Correction to: New closed-loop insulin systems Boughton, Charlotte K.

64 6 p. 1455
9 Correction to: The discovery of insulin in Toronto: beginning a 100 year journey of research and clinical achievement Fralick, Michael

64 6 p. 1454
10 Data-driven assessment, contextualisation and implementation of 134 variables in the risk for type 2 diabetes: an analysis of Lifelines, a prospective cohort study in the Netherlands van der Meer, Thomas P.

64 6 p. 1268-1278
11 Diabetes induces dysregulation of microRNAs associated with survival, proliferation and self-renewal in cardiac progenitor cells Purvis, Nima

64 6 p. 1422-1435
12 Discoveries from the study of longstanding type 1 diabetes Perkins, Bruce A.

64 6 p. 1189-1200
13 Donor insulin therapy in intensive care predicts early outcomes after pancreas transplantation Shapey, Iestyn M.

64 6 p. 1375-1384
14 Effects of ertugliflozin on kidney composite outcomes, renal function and albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: an analysis from the randomised VERTIS CV trial Cherney, David Z. I.

64 6 p. 1256-1267
15 Effects of linagliptin vs glimepiride on cognitive performance in type 2 diabetes: results of the randomised double-blind, active-controlled CAROLINA-COGNITION study Biessels, Geert Jan

64 6 p. 1235-1245
16 Elevated HDL-bound miR-181c-5p level is associated with diabetic vascular complications in Australian Aboriginal people Morrison, Kaitlin R.

64 6 p. 1402-1411
17 Fasting glucose, bone area and bone mineral density: a Mendelian randomisation study Mitchell, Adam

64 6 p. 1348-1357
18 Gelatinisation and milling whole-wheat increases postprandial blood glucose: randomised crossover study of adults with type 2 diabetes Elbalshy, Mona M.

64 6 p. 1385-1388
19 Habitual exercise is associated with reduced risk of diabetes regardless of air pollution: a longitudinal cohort study Guo, Cui

64 6 p. 1298-1308
20 High extracellular ATP levels released through pannexin-1 channels mediate inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle fibres of diet-induced obese mice Jorquera, Gonzalo

64 6 p. 1389-1401
21 Impact of maternal HbA1c on offspring glucose at 4–7 years of age: role of childhood adiposity and other potential confounders Periyathambi, Nishanthi

64 6 p. 1447-1448
22 Impact of maternal HbA1c on offspring glucose at 4–7 years of age: role of childhood adiposity and other potential confounders. Reply to Periyathambi N, Sukumar N, Weldeselassie Y, Saravanan P [letter] Francis, Ellen C.

64 6 p. 1449-1450
23 Marked improvements in glycaemic outcomes following insulin pump therapy initiation in people with type 1 diabetes: a nationwide observational study in Scotland Jeyam, Anita

64 6 p. 1320-1331
24 Peak glucose during an oral glucose tolerance test is associated with future diabetes risk in adults with cystic fibrosis Bonhoure, Anne

64 6 p. 1332-1341
25 Pharmacogenetics of novel glucose-lowering drugs Rathmann, Wolfgang

64 6 p. 1201-1212
26 Productivity-adjusted life years lost due to type 2 diabetes in Germany in 2020 and 2040 Tönnies, Thaddäus

64 6 p. 1288-1297
27 Screening, prevalence, treatment and control of kidney disease in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in low-to-middle-income countries (2005–2017): the International Diabetes Management Practices Study (IDMPS) Mbanya, Jean Claude

64 6 p. 1246-1255
28 Somatosensory network functional connectivity differentiates clinical pain phenotypes in diabetic neuropathy Teh, Kevin

64 6 p. 1412-1421
29 The association of polypharmacy and high-risk drug classes with adverse health outcomes in the Scottish population with type 1 diabetes Höhn, Andreas

64 6 p. 1309-1319
30 The efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in women and men with type 2 diabetes mellitus O’Donoghue, Michelle L.

64 6 p. 1226-1234
31 The hepatokine fetuin-A disrupts functional maturation of pancreatic beta cells Gerst, Felicia

64 6 p. 1358-1374
32 The suitability of patient-reported outcome measures used to assess the impact of hypoglycaemia on quality of life in people with diabetes: a systematic review using COSMIN methods Carlton, Jill

64 6 p. 1213-1225
33 Up front
64 6 p. 1187-1188
                             33 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland