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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anti-Müllerian hormone levels and risk of type 2 diabetes in women Verdiesen, Renée M. G.

64 2 p. 375-384
2 A randomised, single-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding safety and tolerability study of the anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody otelixizumab in new-onset type 1 diabetes Keymeulen, Bart

64 2 p. 313-324
3 Association of cardiac autonomic dysfunction with higher levels of plasma lipid metabolites in recent-onset type 2 diabetes Ziegler, Dan

64 2 p. 458-468
4 Brain JNK and metabolic disease Nogueiras, Rubén

64 2 p. 265-274
5 Branched-chain amino acid metabolism, insulin sensitivity and liver fat response to exercise training in sedentary dysglycaemic and normoglycaemic men Lee, Sindre

64 2 p. 410-423
6 Circulating biomarkers of nitric oxide bioactivity and impaired muscle vasoreactivity to exercise in adults with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes Lespagnol, Elodie

64 2 p. 325-338
7 Correction to: Effects of long-term vitamin D and n-3 fatty acid supplementation on inflammatory and cardiac biomarkers in patients with type 2 diabetes: secondary analyses from a randomised controlled trial Limonte, Christine P.

64 2 p. 477
8 Correction to: Urinary podocyte-derived microparticles in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes Sullivan, Katie M.

64 2 p. 476
9 Depression as a risk factor for dementia in older people with type 2 diabetes and the mediating effect of inflammation Carr, Alistair L.

64 2 p. 448-457
10 Do variations in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in pregnancy predict differences in obstetric and neonatal outcomes? Madsen, Lene R.

64 2 p. 304-312
11 Effects of long-term vitamin D and n-3 fatty acid supplementation on inflammatory and cardiac biomarkers in patients with type 2 diabetes: secondary analyses from a randomised controlled trial Limonte, Christine P.

64 2 p. 437-447
12 Glycaemic markers and all-cause mortality in older adults with and without diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study Rooney, Mary R.

64 2 p. 339-348
13 Human skeletal muscle mitochondrial dynamics in relation to oxidative capacity and insulin sensitivity Houzelle, Alexandre

64 2 p. 424-436
14 Impact of age at type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis on mortality and vascular complications: systematic review and meta-analyses Nanayakkara, Natalie

64 2 p. 275-287
15 Increased particle size of triacylglycerol-enriched remnant lipoproteins, but not their plasma concentration or lipid content, augments risk prediction of incident type 2 diabetes Carvalho, Luiz Sérgio F.

64 2 p. 385-396
16 The association of socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness with receipt of type 2 diabetes medications in Australia: a nationwide registry study Morton, Jedidiah I.

64 2 p. 349-360
17 The impact of hospital-diagnosed depression or use of antidepressants on treatment initiation, adherence and HbA1c/LDL target achievement in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes Rohde, Christopher

64 2 p. 361-374
18 The interaction between metformin and physical activity on postprandial glucose and glucose kinetics: a randomised, clinical trial Pilmark, Nanna S.

64 2 p. 397-409
19 The prevalence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in prediabetes: a systematic review Eleftheriadou, Aikaterini

64 2 p. 288-303
20 Up front
64 2 p. 263-264
21 Urinary podocyte-derived microparticles in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes Sullivan, Katie M.

64 2 p. 469-475
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland