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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antagonism of proNGF or its receptor p75NTR reverses remodelling and improves bladder function in a mouse model of diabetic voiding dysfunction Mossa, Abubakr H.

63 9 p. 1932-1946
2 Association between hospital admission for ketoacidosis and subsequent suicide attempt in young adults with type 1 diabetes Petit, Jean-Michel

63 9 p. 1745-1752
3 Association of diabetes-related autoantibodies with the incidence of asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis in the TRIGR randomised clinical trial Krischer, Jeffrey P.

63 9 p. 1796-1807
4 A systematic review of trends in all-cause mortality among people with diabetes Chen, Lei

63 9 p. 1718-1735
5 Correction to: Phenotypic characteristics and prognosis of inpatients with COVID-19 and diabetes: the CORONADO study Cariou, Bertrand

63 9 p. 1953-1957
6 Diabetes mellitus impairs circulating proangiogenic granulocytes Cappellari, Roberta

63 9 p. 1872-1884
7 Diabetic neuropathy: are we still barking up the wrong tree and is change finally in sight? Coppini, David V.

63 9 p. 1949-1950
8 Diabetic neuropathy: the future is promising. Reply to Uusitupa M, Niskanen L, Laitinen T [letter] and Coppini DV [letter] Callaghan, Brian C.

63 9 p. 1951-1952
9 Divergent pathologies and treatment options for diabetic neuropathies Uusitupa, Matti

63 9 p. 1947-1948
10 Education and incident type 2 diabetes: quantifying the impact of differential exposure and susceptibility to being overweight or obese Mathisen, Jimmi

63 9 p. 1764-1774
11 Elevated pigment epithelium-derived factor induces diabetic erectile dysfunction via interruption of the Akt/Hsp90β/eNOS complex Che, Di

63 9 p. 1857-1871
12 IGF-1 and cardiometabolic diseases: a Mendelian randomisation study Larsson, Susanna C.

63 9 p. 1775-1782
13 Leptin production capacity determines food intake and susceptibility to obesity-induced diabetes in Oikawa–Nagao Diabetes-Prone and Diabetes-Resistant mice Asai, Akira

63 9 p. 1836-1846
14 Live-born children after assisted reproduction in women with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a nationwide cohort study Larsen, Michael Due

63 9 p. 1736-1744
15 Low-dose IL-2 in children with recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes: a Phase I/II randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study Rosenzwajg, Michelle

63 9 p. 1808-1821
16 Maternal hypothyroidism in mice influences glucose metabolism in adult offspring Kemkem, Yasmine

63 9 p. 1822-1835
17 Metabolomic and genetic associations with insulin resistance in pregnancy Liu, Yu

63 9 p. 1783-1795
18 MYDGF attenuates podocyte injury and proteinuria by activating Akt/BAD signal pathway in mice with diabetic kidney disease He, Mingjuan

63 9 p. 1916-1931
19 Precision medicine in diabetes: a Consensus Report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Chung, Wendy K.

63 9 p. 1671-1693
20 Preclinical and clinical studies of photobiomodulation therapy for macular oedema Shen, Weiyong

63 9 p. 1900-1915
21 Real-world evidence: the devil is in the detail Gokhale, Mugdha

63 9 p. 1694-1705
22 Serine administration as a novel prophylactic approach to reduce the severity of acute pancreatitis during diabetes in mice Chen, Rong

63 9 p. 1885-1899
23 Sphingomyelin and progression of renal and coronary heart disease in individuals with type 1 diabetes Pongrac Barlovic, Drazenka

63 9 p. 1847-1856
24 Up front
63 9 p. 1669-1670
25 Using genetics to decipher the link between type 2 diabetes and cancer: shared aetiology or downstream consequence? Vincent, Emma E.

63 9 p. 1706-1717
26 Weight tracking in childhood and adolescence and type 2 diabetes risk Olaiya, Muideen T.

63 9 p. 1753-1763
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland