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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correction to: Pregnant women with gestational diabetes and with well controlled glucose levels have decreased concentrations of individual fatty acids in maternal and cord serum Ortega-Senovilla, Henar

63 7 p. 1435-1436
2 Decreased pancreatic acinar cell number in type 1 diabetes Wright, Jordan J.

63 7 p. 1418-1423
3 Decreased plasma kallikrein activity is associated with reduced kidney function in individuals with type 1 diabetes Härma, Mari-Anne

63 7 p. 1349-1354
4 E2f8 and Dlg2 genes have independent effects on impaired insulin secretion associated with hyperglycaemia Yang, Chieh-Hsin

63 7 p. 1333-1348
5 Empagliflozin modulates renal sympathetic and heart rate baroreflexes in a rabbit model of diabetes Gueguen, Cindy

63 7 p. 1424-1434
6 Inhibition of the prostaglandin D2–GPR44/DP2 axis improves human islet survival and function Abadpour, Shadab

63 7 p. 1355-1367
7 Inpatient hypoglycaemia: understanding who is at risk Ruan, Yue

63 7 p. 1299-1304
8 Insulin sensitivity depends on the route of glucose administration Mingrone, Geltrude

63 7 p. 1382-1395
9 Major depressive disorder and cardiometabolic diseases: a bidirectional Mendelian randomisation study Tang, Bowen

63 7 p. 1305-1311
10 Obesity, unfavourable lifestyle and genetic risk of type 2 diabetes: a case-cohort study Schnurr, Theresia M.

63 7 p. 1324-1332
11 Selective stimulation of colonic L cells improves metabolic outcomes in mice Lewis, Jo E.

63 7 p. 1396-1407
12 The GLP-1 receptor agonist lixisenatide reduces postprandial glucose in patients with diabetes secondary to total pancreatectomy: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded crossover trial Juel, Caroline T. B.

63 7 p. 1285-1298
13 The pore-forming subunit MCU of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter is required for normal glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vitro and in vivo in mice Georgiadou, Eleni

63 7 p. 1368-1381
14 Transition of metabolic phenotypes and risk of subclinical atherosclerosis according to BMI: a prospective study Lin, Lin

63 7 p. 1312-1323
15 Type 2 diabetes and HbA1c are independently associated with wider retinal arterioles: the Maastricht study Li, Wenjie

63 7 p. 1408-1417
16 Up Front
63 7 p. 1283-1284
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland