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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An adipocyte-specific defect in oxidative phosphorylation increases systemic energy expenditure and protects against diet-induced obesity in mouse models Choi, Min Jeong

63 4 p. 837-852
2 A nanobody-based nuclear imaging tracer targeting dipeptidyl peptidase 6 to determine the mass of human beta cell grafts in mice Demine, Stéphane

63 4 p. 825-836
3 A nanobody-based nuclear imaging tracer targeting dipeptidyl peptidase 6 to determine the mass of human beta cell grafts in mice Demine, Stéphane

63 4 p. 825-836
4 An exploratory, randomised, placebo-controlled, 14 day trial of the soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator praliciguat in participants with type 2 diabetes and hypertension Hanrahan, John P.

63 4 p. 733-743
5 A randomised controlled study of high intensity exercise as a dishabituating stimulus to improve hypoglycaemia awareness in people with type 1 diabetes: a proof-of-concept study Farrell, Catriona M.

63 4 p. 853-863
6 Clinical trial data validate the C-peptide estimate model in type 1 diabetes Wentworth, John M.

63 4 p. 885-886
7 Clinical trial data validate the C-peptide estimate model in type 1 diabetes Wentworth, John M.

63 4 p. 885-886
8 Comparison of serum and urinary biomarker panels with albumin/creatinine ratio in the prediction of renal function decline in type 1 diabetes Colombo, Marco

63 4 p. 788-798
9 Correction to: Altered mitochondrial bioenergetics and ultrastructure in the skeletal muscle of young adults with type 1 diabetes Monaco, Cynthia M. F.

63 4 p. 887-888
10 How conclusive is the CONCLUDE trial? Del Prato, Stefano

63 4 p. 692-697
11 How conclusive is the CONCLUDE trial? Del Prato, Stefano

63 4 p. 692-697
12 Impact of sleep deprivation and high-fat feeding on insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in dogs Brouwer, Annelies

63 4 p. 875-884
13 Impact of sleep deprivation and high-fat feeding on insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in dogs Brouwer, Annelies

63 4 p. 875-884
14 Neuronal control of peripheral nutrient partitioning Manceau, Romane

63 4 p. 673-682
15 Obesity-induced reduced expression of the lncRNA ROIT impairs insulin transcription by downregulation of Nkx6.1 methylation Zhang, Fang Fang

63 4 p. 811-824
16 Persistent poor glycaemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes in developing countries: 12 years of real-world evidence of the International Diabetes Management Practices Study (IDMPS) Aschner, Pablo

63 4 p. 711-721
17 Persistent poor glycaemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes in developing countries: 12 years of real-world evidence of the International Diabetes Management Practices Study (IDMPS) Aschner, Pablo

63 4 p. 711-721
18 Pregnancy in teenagers diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood: a national population-based e-cohort study Allen, Lowri A.

63 4 p. 799-810
19 Pregnant women with gestational diabetes and with well controlled glucose levels have decreased concentrations of individual fatty acids in maternal and cord serum Ortega-Senovilla, Henar

63 4 p. 864-874
20 Pregnant women with gestational diabetes and with well controlled glucose levels have decreased concentrations of individual fatty acids in maternal and cord serum Ortega-Senovilla, Henar

63 4 p. 864-874
21 Red meat, poultry and fish consumption and risk of diabetes: a 9 year prospective cohort study of the China Kadoorie Biobank Du, Huaidong

63 4 p. 767-779
22 Referees 2019
63 4 p. 671-672
23 Referees 2019
63 4 p. 671-672
24 Risk of hypoglycaemia with insulin degludec versus insulin glargine U300 in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes: the randomised, head-to-head CONCLUDE trial Philis-Tsimikas, Athena

63 4 p. 698-710
25 Secular trends in all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates in people with diabetes in Hong Kong, 2001–2016: a retrospective cohort study Wu, Hongjiang

63 4 p. 757-766
26 Secular trends in all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates in people with diabetes in Hong Kong, 2001–2016: a retrospective cohort study Wu, Hongjiang

63 4 p. 757-766
27 Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in childhood and risk of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes: the TRIGR nested case–control ancillary study Miettinen, Maija E.

63 4 p. 780-787
28 The changing face of paediatric diabetes Shah, Amy S.

63 4 p. 683-691
29 The role of physical activity in metabolic homeostasis before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: an IMI DIRECT study Koivula, Robert W.

63 4 p. 744-756
30 The role of physical activity in metabolic homeostasis before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: an IMI DIRECT study Koivula, Robert W.

63 4 p. 744-756
31 Up front
63 4 p. 669-670
32 Up front
63 4 p. 669-670
33 Vascular improvements in individuals with type 2 diabetes following a 1 year randomised controlled exercise intervention, irrespective of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness Hetherington-Rauth, Megan

63 4 p. 722-732
34 Vascular improvements in individuals with type 2 diabetes following a 1 year randomised controlled exercise intervention, irrespective of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness Hetherington-Rauth, Megan

63 4 p. 722-732
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland