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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adipocyte-specific disruption of ATPase copper transporting α in mice accelerates lipoatrophy Tao, Cong

62 12 p. 2340-2353
2 Adipocyte-specific disruption of ATPase copper transporting α in mice accelerates lipoatrophy Tao, Cong

62 12 p. 2340-2353
3 Associations of short stature and components of height with incidence of type 2 diabetes: mediating effects of cardiometabolic risk factors Wittenbecher, Clemens

62 12 p. 2211-2221
4 Circulating metabolites and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective study of 11,896 young adults from four Finnish cohorts Ahola-Olli, Ari V.

62 12 p. 2298-2309
5 Circulating metabolites in progression to islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes Lamichhane, Santosh

62 12 p. 2287-2297
6 Correction to: Vascular endothelial PDPK1 plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of pancreatic beta cell mass and function in adult male mice Obata, Atsushi

62 12 p. 2375
7 Cumulative average dietary pattern scores in young adulthood and risk of incident type 2 diabetes: the CARDIA study Hirahatake, Kristin M.

62 12 p. 2233-2244
8 Cumulative average dietary pattern scores in young adulthood and risk of incident type 2 diabetes: the CARDIA study Hirahatake, Kristin M.

62 12 p. 2233-2244
9 Deficiency in AIM2 induces inflammation and adipogenesis in white adipose tissue leading to obesity and insulin resistance Gong, Zhenwei

62 12 p. 2325-2339
10 Deficiency in AIM2 induces inflammation and adipogenesis in white adipose tissue leading to obesity and insulin resistance Gong, Zhenwei

62 12 p. 2325-2339
11 Dietary inflammatory index and type 2 diabetes risk in a prospective cohort of 70,991 women followed for 20 years: the mediating role of BMI Laouali, Nasser

62 12 p. 2222-2232
12 Dietary inflammatory index and type 2 diabetes risk in a prospective cohort of 70,991 women followed for 20 years: the mediating role of BMI Laouali, Nasser

62 12 p. 2222-2232
13 Echocardiography improves prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in a population with type 1 diabetes and without known heart disease: the Thousand & 1 Study Jensen, Magnus T.

62 12 p. 2354-2364
14 Echocardiography improves prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in a population with type 1 diabetes and without known heart disease: the Thousand & 1 Study Jensen, Magnus T.

62 12 p. 2354-2364
15 Epigenetics and gestational diabetes: a review of epigenetic epidemiology studies and their use to explore epigenetic mediation and improve prediction Elliott, Hannah R.

62 12 p. 2171-2178
16 Extracellular vesicles in metabolic disease Akbar, Naveed

62 12 p. 2179-2187
17 Fenofibrate increases very-long-chain sphingolipids and improves blood glucose homeostasis in NOD mice Holm, Laurits J.

62 12 p. 2262-2272
18 Induced pluripotent stem cell macrophages present antigen to proinsulin-specific T cell receptors from donor-matched islet-infiltrating T cells in type 1 diabetes Joshi, Kriti

62 12 p. 2245-2251
19 Mechanisms of hyperinsulinaemia in apparently healthy non-obese young adults: role of insulin secretion, clearance and action and associations with plasma amino acids Hamley, Steven

62 12 p. 2310-2324
20 Metallothionein 1 negatively regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and is differentially expressed in conditions of beta cell compensation and failure in mice and humans Bensellam, Mohammed

62 12 p. 2273-2286
21 Neutrophil elastase contributes to the pathological vascular permeability characteristic of diabetic retinopathy Liu, Haitao

62 12 p. 2365-2374
22 Neutrophil elastase contributes to the pathological vascular permeability characteristic of diabetic retinopathy Liu, Haitao

62 12 p. 2365-2374
23 Proinsulin peptide promotes autoimmune diabetes in a novel HLA-DR3-DQ2-transgenic murine model of spontaneous disease Verhagen, Johan

62 12 p. 2252-2261
24 Short-term strength and balance training does not improve quality of life but improves functional status in individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a randomised controlled trial Venkataraman, Kavita

62 12 p. 2200-2210
25 Upfront
62 12 p. 2169-2170
26 White coat hypertension in early pregnancy in women with pre-existing diabetes: prevalence and pregnancy outcomes Vestgaard, Marianne

62 12 p. 2188-2199
27 White coat hypertension in early pregnancy in women with pre-existing diabetes: prevalence and pregnancy outcomes Vestgaard, Marianne

62 12 p. 2188-2199
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland