no |
title |
author |
magazine |
year |
volume |
issue |
page(s) |
type |
1 |
Diabetische Nephropathie - Diabetic nephropathy
Frank, H. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 53-59 |
article |
2 |
Diagnostik bei Glomerulonephritis - Diagnostic evaluation of glomerulonephritis
Varga, D. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 6-13 |
article |
3 |
Wüthrich, R.P. |
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 5 |
article |
4 |
Hepatitis-B- und -C-assoziierte Glomerulonephritiden - Hepatitis B and C associated glomerulonephritides
Fehr, T. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 37-43 |
article |
5 |
IgA-Nephropathie - IgA nephropathy
Corsenca, A. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 14-19 |
article |
6 |
Induktionstherapie mit Antithymozytenglobulin vs. Basiliximab nach Nierentransplantation
Tönshoff, B. |
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 47-48 |
article |
7 |
In memoriam Fokke J. van der Woude
2 |
1 |
p. 44-46 |
article |
8 |
In memoriam Fokke J. van der Woude
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 44-46 |
article |
9 |
52-jährige Patientin mit multiplen Gelenkschmerzen - 52-year-old female patient with multiple joint pain
Wandel, E. |
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 51-52 |
article |
10 |
Lupusnephritis - Lupus nephritis
Schwarting, A. |
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 33-36 |
article |
11 |
Membranöse Glomerulonephritis - Membranous nephropathy
Huynh-Do, U. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 20-26 |
article |
12 |
Mitteilungen des BDI
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 60-62 |
article |
13 |
Rasch-progrediente Glomerulonephritis - Rapid progressive glomerulonephritis
Pechula Thut, M. |
2007 |
2 |
1 |
p. 27-32 |
article |
14 |
Zielhämoglobin unter Erythropoietintherapie bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
Tönshoff, B. |
2006 |
2 |
1 |
p. 49-50 |
article |