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                             6 results found
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1 Complex paths of magma propagation at Fernandina (Galápagos): The coexistence of circumferential and radial dike intrusion during the January 2020 eruption Galetto, Federico

85 12 article
2 Correction to: Deformation, seismicity, and monitoring response preceding and during the 2022 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland Parks, Michelle

85 12 article
3 Dyke to sill deflection in the shallow heterogeneous crust during glacier retreat: part I Drymoni, Kyriaki

85 12 article
4 Dynamics of magma mixing and magma mobilisation beneath Mauna Loa—insights from the 1950 AD Southwest Rift Zone eruption Kahl, Maren

85 12 article
5 Historical accounts provide insight on the geological evolution of the 20th century eruptions at Santorini volcano, Greece Drymoni, Kyriaki

85 12 article
6 Understanding the drivers of volcano deformation through geodetic model verification and validation Crozier, Josh

85 12 article
                             6 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands