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                             7 results found
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1 Evidence for deep gas loss in open volcanic systems Collombet, Marielle

83 2 article
2 Formation of dense pyroclasts by sintering of ash particles during the preclimactic eruptions of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 Wang, Yining

83 2 article
3 Growth and collapse of the 2018–2019 lava dome of Merapi volcano Kelfoun, Karim

83 2 article
4 Near-real-time volcanic cloud monitoring: insights into global explosive volcanic eruptive activity through analysis of Volcanic Ash Advisories Engwell, S.

83 2 article
5 Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira: a review of volcanic activity in the Kivu rift, western branch of the East African Rift System Pouclet, André

83 2 article
6 Silicic conduits as supersized tuffisites: Clastogenic influences on shifting eruption styles at Cordón Caulle volcano (Chile) Schipper, C. Ian

83 2 article
7 Volcanic facies as a guide to the palaeodepth and palaeotectonic setting of ancient oceanic crust: the case of the Nidar ophiolite, Ladakh, Indian Trans-Himalaya Kumar, Alok

83 2 article
                             7 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands