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1 Effects in North Africa of the 934–940 CE Eldgjá and 1783–1784 CE Laki eruptions (Iceland) revealed by previously unrecognized written sources Brugnatelli, Vermondo

82 11 article
2 Eruptive history of La Poruña scoria cone, Central Andes, Northern Chile Marín, Carolina

82 11 article
3 Evidence for primitive magma storage and eruption following prolonged equilibration in thickened crust Winslow, Heather

82 11 article
4 Paleomagnetic constraints on a time-stratigraphic framework for the evolution of Ohachidaira volcano and the summit caldera, central Hokkaido, Japan Yasuda, Yuki

82 11 article
5 Petrology and geochemistry of three Early Holocene eruptions from Makushin Volcano, Alaska Larsen, J. F.

82 11 article
6 Release characteristics of overpressurised gas from complex vents: implications for volcanic hazards Schmid, Markus

82 11 article
7 Spatiotemporal variations in eruption style and magnitude at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu: part 2—extending Strombolian eruption classifications Simons, Benjamin Clifford

82 11 article
8 The interaction between concentrated pyroclastic density currents and snow: a case study from the 2008 mixed-avalanche from Volcán Llaima (Chile) Breard, E. C. P.

82 11 article
                             8 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands