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                             4 results found
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1 Emplacement controls for the basaltic-andesitic radial dikes of Summer Coon volcano and implications for flank vents at stratovolcanoes Harp, A. G.
80 2 p. 1-20
2 Emplacement of inflated Pāhoehoe flows in the Naude’s Nek Pass, Lesotho remnant, Karoo continental flood basalt province: use of flow-lobe tumuli in understanding flood basalt emplacement Jay, Anne E.
80 2 p. 1-16
3 Geology and radiometric dating of Quaternary monogenetic volcanism in the western Zacapu lacustrine basin (Michoacán, México): implications for archeology and future hazard evaluations Reyes-Guzmán, Nanci
80 2 p. 1-20
4 Lava flows and cinder cones at Barren Island volcano, India (2005–2017): a spatio-temporal analysis using satellite images Martha, Tapas R.
80 2 p. 1-8
                             4 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands