nr |
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tijdschrift |
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1 |
Animal personality and behavioral syndromes in amphibians: a review of the evidence, experimental approaches, and implications for conservation
Kelleher, Shannon R. |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-26 |
artikel |
2 |
Correction to: Energetic trade-offs and feedbacks between behavior and metabolism influence correlations between pace-of-life attributes
Salzman, Timothy C. |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1 |
artikel |
3 |
Demographic measures of an individual’s “pace of life”: fecundity rate, lifespan, generation time, or a composite variable?
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen G. |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-14 |
artikel |
4 |
Males missing their sexually selected weapon have decreased fighting ability and mating success in a competitive environment
Emberts, Zachary |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-9 |
artikel |
5 |
Night-life of Bryde’s whales: ecological implications of resting in a baleen whale
Izadi, Sahar |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-12 |
artikel |
6 |
Spatial structure of foraging meerkat groups is affected by both social and ecological factors
Gall, Gabriella E. C. |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-9 |
artikel |
7 |
The pervasive role of social learning in primate lifetime development
Whiten, Andrew |
2018 |
72 |
5 |
p. 1-16 |
artikel |