nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
Birds receiving extra carotenoids keep singing during the sickness phase induced by inflammation
Casagrande, Stefania |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1029-1037 |
artikel |
2 |
Brood-partitioning behaviour in unpredictable environments: hedging the bets?
Erich, Magdalena |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1011-1017 |
artikel |
3 |
Cathemerality in a small, folivorous primate: proximate control of diel activity in Hapalemur meridionalis
Eppley, Timothy M. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 991-1002 |
artikel |
4 |
Delayed plumage maturation in birds and the significance of condition-dependent parental care
Lyu, Nan |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1003-1010 |
artikel |
5 |
Do furtive predators benefit from a selfish herd effect by living within their prey colony?
Dumont, François |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 971-976 |
artikel |
6 |
Effects of carotenoid supplementation and oxidative challenges on physiological parameters and carotenoid-based coloration in an urbanization context
Giraudeau, Mathieu |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 957-970 |
artikel |
7 |
Effects of nest predation risk on female incubation behavior and offspring growth in great tits
Basso, Alessandra |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 977-989 |
artikel |
8 |
Erratum to: Individual voice recognition and an auditory map of neighbours in free-ranging black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra)
Briseño-Jaramillo, Margarita |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1063 |
artikel |
9 |
Erratum to: Moving in groups: how density and unpredictable motion affect predation risk
Scott-Samuel, Nicholas E. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1065 |
artikel |
10 |
Foraging distribution of a tropical seabird supports Ashmole’s hypothesis of population regulation
Oppel, Steffen |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 915-926 |
artikel |
11 |
High begging intensity of great spotted cuckoo nestlings favours larger-size crow nest mates
Bolopo, Diana |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 873-882 |
artikel |
12 |
Individual vs. social learning of predator information in fish: does group size affect learning efficacy?
Mathiron, Anthony G. E. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 939-949 |
artikel |
13 |
Lazy males and hardworking females? Sexual conflict over parental care in a brood parasite host and its consequences for chick growth
Požgayová, Milica |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1053-1061 |
artikel |
14 |
Long-term behavioural consistency in prey capture but not in web maintenance in a social spider
Beleyur, Thejasvi |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1019-1028 |
artikel |
15 |
Male mate choice and female receptivity lead to reproductive interference
Hamel, Jennifer A. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 951-956 |
artikel |
16 |
Moving in groups: how density and unpredictable motion affect predation risk
Scott-Samuel, Nicholas E. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 867-872 |
artikel |
17 |
Size dependence of courtship effort may promote male choice and strong assortative mating in soldier beetles
McLain, Denson K. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 883-894 |
artikel |
18 |
Space-use and sociability are not related to public-information use in ninespine sticklebacks
Webster, M. M. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 895-907 |
artikel |
19 |
Start of nocturnal migratory restlessness in captive birds predicts nocturnal departure time in free-flying birds
Schmaljohann, Heiko |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 909-914 |
artikel |
20 |
The effects of social experience with varying male availability on female mate preferences in a wolf spider
Stoffer, Brent |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 927-937 |
artikel |
21 |
Trading or coercion? Variation in male mating strategies between two communities of East African chimpanzees
Kaburu, Stefano S. K. |
2015 |
69 |
6 |
p. 1039-1052 |
artikel |