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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A high-performance transmissive circular polarization converter based on a modified fishnet metasurface Wu, Xiongbin

127 3 artikel
2 All-optical single-species cesium atomic comagnetometer with optical free induction decay detection Yang, Yucheng

127 3 artikel
3 A machine learning approach assisting soot radiation-based thermometry to recover complete flame temperature field in a laminar flame Wang, Qianlong

127 3 artikel
4 A method for aligning a femtosecond multi-petawatt coherent beam combining system Wang, Ding

127 3 artikel
5 A novel grayscale image encryption approach based on chaotic maps and image blocks Girdhar, Ashish

127 3 artikel
6 Comparative investigation of lasing and amplification performance in cryogenic Yb:YLF systems Demirbas, Umit

127 3 artikel
7 Comprehensive optimization of electronic and optical properties of polar III-nitride laser Polash, Md Mobarak Hossain

127 3 artikel
8 Design of a THz-driven compact relativistic electron source Turnár, Sz.

127 3 artikel
9 Evaluation of machine learning methods for classification of rotational absorption spectra for gases in the 220–330 GHz range Chowdhury, M. Arshad Zahangir

127 3 artikel
10 Improved laser-ultrasonic excitation for imaging of seismic physical modeling Jin, Kezhen

127 3 artikel
11 In transition: a new journey Mackenzie, Jacob I.

127 3 artikel
12 Laser-impact-induced splashing: an analysis of the splash crown evolution after Nd:YAG ns-pulse laser impact on a liquid tin pool Hermens, J.

127 3 artikel
13 Quantitative analysis of titanium alloys using one-point calibration laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Hai, Ran

127 3 artikel
14 Restoration of Single pixel imaging in atmospheric turbulence by Fourier filter and CGAN Leihong, Zhang

127 3 artikel
15 Scattering-promoted plasmonic enhancement of Eu3+ ions photoluminescence in dichroic Cu nanocomposite glass Jiménez, José A.

127 3 artikel
16 Short-wavelength cutoff of the light bullet spectrum in calcium fluoride Zaloznaya, Elizaveta

127 3 artikel
17 Thermal and optical performance of cryogenically cooled laser diode bars mounted on pin-finned microcoolers Kim, K. J.

127 3 artikel
18 The study of second-order coupling of cladding modes of helical long-period gratings inscribed by commercial welding machine Bai, Yunfeng

127 3 artikel
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland