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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis and validation of silica-immobilised BST polymerase in loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for malaria diagnosis Seevaratnam, Dushanth

414 21 p. 6309-6326
2 A sustainable approach for the stability study of psychotropic substances using vitreous humor and liver as alternative matrices Wójtowicz, Anna

414 21 p. 6355-6370
3 Development and application of an in-house library and workflow for gas chromatography–electron ionization–accurate-mass/high-resolution mass spectrometry screening of environmental samples Castro, Verónica

414 21 p. 6327-6340
4 Electrochemical sensors based on sewage sludge–derived biochar for the analysis of anthocyanins in berry fruits Sfragano, Patrick Severin

414 21 p. 6295-6307
5 Flow-modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry: use of hydrogen as a more sustainable alternative to helium Galletta, Micaela

414 21 p. 6371-6378
6 Highly crosslinking core–shell magnetic nanocomposites based catalyst and heat free polymerization for isolation of glycoprotein Guo, Zhi-Yong

414 21 p. 6393-6402
7 Machine learning-based protein crystal detection for monitoring of crystallization processes enabled with large-scale synthetic data sets of photorealistic images Bischoff, Daniel

414 21 p. 6379-6391
8 Non-psychoactive cannabinoids identification by linear retention index approach applied to a hand-portable capillary liquid chromatography platform La Tella, Roberta

414 21 p. 6341-6353
9 Sampling methods for renewable gases and related gases: challenges and current limitations Arrhenius, Karine

414 21 p. 6285-6294
10 Sustainability in (bio-)analytical chemistry Baeumner, Antje J.

414 21 p. 6281-6284
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland