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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Concise Overview on Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting Yang, Dazhi

39 8 p. 1239-1251
2 Changes in Global Vegetation Distribution and Carbon Fluxes in Response to Global Warming: Simulated Results from IAP-DGVM in CAS-ESM2 Gao, Xiaofei

39 8 p. 1285-1298
3 Characterization of Regional Combustion Efficiency using ΔXCO: ΔXCO2 Observed by a Portable Fourier-Transform Spectrometer at an Urban Site in Beijing Che, Ke

39 8 p. 1299-1315
4 Climate Warming Mitigation from Nationally Determined Contributions Fu, Bo

39 8 p. 1217-1228
5 COP26: Progress, Challenges, and Outlook Wang, Yi

39 8 p. 1209-1216
6 Decadal Methane Emission Trend Inferred from Proxy GOSAT XCH4 Retrievals: Impacts of Transport Model Spatial Resolution Zhu, Sihong

39 8 p. 1343-1359
7 Effects of Plant Community Type on Soil Methane Flux in Semiarid Loess Hilly Region, Central Gansu Province, China Yang, Chuanjie

39 8 p. 1360-1374
8 Fengyun-4 Geostationary Satellite-Based Solar Energy Nowcasting System and Its Application in North China Huang, Chunlin

39 8 p. 1316-1328
9 Frontiers of CO2 Capture and Utilization (CCU) towards Carbon Neutrality Zhang, Lingyun

39 8 p. 1252-1270
10 Ocean—atmosphere Teleconnections Play a Key Role in the Interannual Variability of Seasonal Gross Primary Production in China Ying, Kairan

39 8 p. 1329-1342
11 Preface to the Special Issue on Carbon Neutrality: Important Roles of Renewable Energies, Carbon Sinks, NETs, and non-CO2 GHGs Cao, Junji

39 8 p. 1207-1208
12 The Chinese Carbon-Neutral Goal: Challenges and Prospects Zeng, Ning

39 8 p. 1229-1238
13 The Synergism between Methanogens and Methanotrophs and the Nature of their Contributions to the Seasonal Variation of Methane Fluxes in a Wetland: The Case of Dajiuhu Subalpine Peatland Wang, Luwen

39 8 p. 1375-1385
14 The Variability of Air-sea O2 Flux in CMIP6: Implications for Estimating Terrestrial and Oceanic Carbon Sinks Li, Changyu

39 8 p. 1271-1284
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland