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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Isentropic Mass Circulation View on the Extreme Cold Events in the 2020/21 Winter Yu, Yueyue

39 4 p. 643-657
2 Extreme Cold Events from East Asia to North America in Winter 2020/21: Comparisons, Causes, and Future Implications Zhang, Xiangdong

39 4 p. 553-565
3 Influence of Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming on the Unprecedented Cold Wave in East Asia in January 2021 Zhang, Yingxian

39 4 p. 576-590
4 Influence of the NAO on Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over East Asia: Multidecadal Variability and Decadal Prediction Li, Jianping

39 4 p. 625-642
5 On the Two Successive Supercold Waves Straddling the End of 2020 and the Beginning of 2021 Bueh, Cholaw

39 4 p. 591-608
6 Preface to the Special Issue on Extreme Cold Events from East Asia to North America in Winter 2020/21 Mu, Mu

39 4 p. 543-545
7 Seasonal Cumulative Effect of Ural Blocking Episodes on the Frequent Cold events in China during the Early Winter of 2020/21 Yao, Yao

39 4 p. 609-624
8 The 2020/21 Extremely Cold Winter in China Influenced by the Synergistic Effect of La Niña and Warm Arctic Zheng, Fei

39 4 p. 546-552
9 The Nature and Predictability of the East Asian Extreme Cold Events of 2020/21 Dai, Guokun

39 4 p. 566-575
10 The Predictability of Ocean Environments that Contributed to the 2020/21 Extreme Cold Events in China: 2020/21 La Niña and 2020 Arctic Sea Ice Loss Zheng, Fei

39 4 p. 658-672
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland