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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Comparison of Two Bulk Microphysics Parameterizations for the Study of Aerosol Impacts on an Idealized Supercell Wu, Wanchen

39 1 p. 97-116
2 Atmospheric Disturbance Characteristics in the Lower-middle Stratosphere Inferred from Observations by the Round-Trip Intelligent Sounding System (RTISS) in China He, Yang

39 1 p. 131-144
3 CLDASSD: Reconstructing Fine Textures of the Temperature Field Using Super-Resolution Technology Tie, Ruian

39 1 p. 117-130
4 Comparison of the Anthropogenic Emission Inventory for CMIP6 Models with a Country-Level Inventory over China and the Simulations of the Aerosol Properties Fan, Tianyi

39 1 p. 80-96
5 Dissimilarity among Ocean Reanalyses in Equatorial Pacific Upper-Ocean Heat Content and Its Relationship with ENSO Cheung, Paxson K. Y.

39 1 p. 67-79
6 Erratum to: Implications from Subseasonal Prediction Skills of the Prolonged Heavy Snow Event over Southern China in Early 2008 Zhang, Keyue

39 1 p. 201
7 Forecasting Zonda Wind Occurrence with Vertical Sounding Data Otero, Federico

39 1 p. 161-177
8 FY-3E: The First Operational Meteorological Satellite Mission in an Early Morning Orbit Zhang, Peng

39 1 p. 1-8
9 Impacts of Oceanic Fronts and Eddies in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region on the Atmospheric General Circulation and Storm Track Zhou, Guidi

39 1 p. 22-54
10 Lightning Nowcasting with an Algorithm of Thunderstorm Tracking Based on Lightning Location Data over the Beijing Area Srivastava, Abhay

39 1 p. 178-188
11 Ocean Response to a Climate Change Heat-Flux Perturbation in an Ocean Model and Its Corresponding Coupled Model Jin, Jiangbo

39 1 p. 55-66
12 Satellite All-sky Infrared Radiance Assimilation: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives Li, Jun

39 1 p. 9-21
13 The Surface Energy Budget and Its Impact on the Freeze-thaw Processes of Active Layer in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Ma, Junjie

39 1 p. 189-200
14 Three-Dimensional Wind Field Retrieved from Dual-Doppler Radar Based on a Variational Method: Refinement of Vertical Velocity Estimates Xue, Chenbin

39 1 p. 145-160
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland