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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Angiography and optical coherence tomography derived shear stress: are they equivalent in my opinion? Poon, Eric K. W.

39 10 p. 1953-1961
2 Calcified plaque harboring lipidic materials associates with no-reflow phenomenon after PCI in stable CAD Hosoda, Hayato

39 10 p. 1927-1941
3 Challenges in the evaluation of Covid-19 related cardiac alterations early after recovery from acute infection associated with severe lung involvement Dandel, Michael

39 10 p. 1871-1872
4 Characterization of plaque phenotypes exhibiting an elevated pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation: insights from the REASSURE-NIRS registry Kitahara, Satoshi

39 10 p. 1943-1952
5 Chemotherapy-related cardiac dysfunction: the usefulness of myocardial work indices Di Lisi, Daniela

39 10 p. 1845-1853
6 Computed tomography anatomical characteristics based on transcatheter aortic valve replacement in aortic regurgitation Chen, Yang

39 10 p. 2063-2071
7 Direct transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) decreases silent cerebral infarction when compared to routine balloon valvuloplasty Arslan, Uğur

39 10 p. 2029-2039
8 Dynamic aortic changes during the cardiac cycle in patients with aortic valve disease analyzed by computed tomography combined with PhyZiodynamics software Norimatsu, Togo

39 10 p. 2073-2082
9 Editor’s choice to the October 2023 issue Reiber, Johan H. C.

39 10 p. 1841-1843
10 Imaging and guiding intervention for tricuspid valve disorders using 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in pediatric and congenital heart disease Doan, Tam T.

39 10 p. 1855-1864
11 Imaging modality-dependent carotid stenosis severity variations against intravascular ultrasound as a reference: Carotid Artery intravasculaRUltrasound Study (CARUS) Tekieli, Lukasz

39 10 p. 1909-1920
12 Impact of Cardiac Motion on coronary artery calcium scoring using a virtual non-iodine algorithm on photon-counting detector CT: a dynamic phantom study Fink, Nicola

39 10 p. 2083-2092
13 Improved stereo perception in coronary angiography using the X-ray tube as the viewpoint and validation with 3D printed models Chen, Miao

39 10 p. 2041-2050
14 Incidence, risk factors, and clinical sequelae of incomplete stent apposition after sirolimus-eluting stent Liu, Peng

39 10 p. 1921-1926
15 Interplay between natriuretic peptides and left atrial mechanics and the relation to recurrence of atrial fibrillation following catheter ablation Olsen, Flemming Javier

39 10 p. 1889-1895
16 Intraventricular 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance for assessing patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a pilot study Kwan, Chi Ting

39 10 p. 2015-2027
17 Mechanisms and prognostic impact of myocardial ischaemia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Coleman, James A.

39 10 p. 1979-1996
18 Mitral valve regurgitation assessed by intraventricular CMR 4D-flow: a systematic review on the technological aspects and potential clinical applications Safarkhanlo, Yasaman

39 10 p. 1963-1977
19 Multimodality coronary imaging to predict non-culprit territory unrecognized myocardial infarction in Non-ST-Elevation acute coronary syndrome Hoshino, Masahiro

39 10 p. 2051-2061
20 Myocardial deformation analysis using cardiac magnetic resonance in apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is it an useful tool to predict adverse outcomes? Menezes Fernandes, Raquel

39 10 p. 1997-2003
21 Patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and mid-wall striae have similar arrhythmic outcomes as ischemic cardiomyopathy Ballantyne, Brennan A.

39 10 p. 2005-2014
22 Reproducibility of right ventricular function by longitudinal strain and other echocardiographic parameters in the ELSA-Brasil study Pianca, Eduardo G.

39 10 p. 1865-1870
23 The relation of right ventricular outflow tract measurements with in-hospital clinical outcomes after tricuspid valve surgery Guler, Arda

39 10 p. 1897-1908
24 Valve disease in cardiac amyloidosis: an echocardiographic score Aimo, Alberto

39 10 p. 1873-1887
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland