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                             70 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Current Review on Conducting Polymer-Based Catalysts: Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Removal of Aquatic Pollutants Ergun, Can

234 8 artikel
2 Adsorption Effect of Oxalic Acid-Chitosan-Bentonite Composite on Cr6+ in Aqueous Solution Huang, Chong

234 8 artikel
3 Adsorption, Hysteresis, and Trapping of Heavy Metals with Environmental Relevance onto Different Quick Clays and Montmorillonite Coulombe, Alexandre

234 8 artikel
4 Adsorption Study and Degradation Pathway of Cerium-Doped ZnO Nanoflowers for Methylene Blue and p-Nitrophenol Dhanda, Ekta

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5 Adsorptive Removal of Rhodamine B Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Mineral Materials as Low-Cost Adsorbents Kuśmierek, Krzysztof

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6 Airborne Particulates Pollution Level Characterization and Ecological Health Risk Assessment of Toxic Metals in Suburban Sfax, Southern Tunisia Sellami, Fatma

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7 Alleviation of the Cadmium Toxicity by Application of a Microbial Derived Compound, Ectoine Orhan, Furkan

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8 Analysis on the Influencing Factors and Future Trend of HCHO Pollution in Brazil Huang, Cheng

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9 An Expanded IrO2/Ti Durable Electrode for Electrochemical Degradation of Basic Red 46 Textile Dye in Both Single and Binary Mixture Solutions Belal, Raghda M.

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10 A Novel Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage by Schwertmannite Synthesis Using H2O2 and Na2O2 as Composite Oxidants Chen, Siqing

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11 Apatite Ore-based Nanostructures: Novel and Eco-friendly Sorbent for Efficient Removal of Wastewater Containing Pb2+ and Fe3+ Phuong, Nguyen Thu

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12 A Review on Seasonal Changes in Particulate Matter Accumulation by Plant Bioindicators: Effects on Leaf Traits Ghosh, Sayantan

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13 Assessment of Chloride Salt Release Flux from Fluidized Cohesive Sediments in Quiescent Water Yuan, Jing

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14 Assessment of Water for Different Uses at Some Localities of the Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt Darwish, Mahmoud H.

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15 A Surface Modification of Chemically Expanded Graphite with Pyrrole and Dithiocarbamate and Its Application for Adsorption of Hg2+ from Synthetic Wastewater: Isotherm, Kinetics, and Thermodynamic Studies Movafaghi Ardestani, Mahnaz

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16 Bioaccumulation and Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Calcareous and Saline Soil-Vegetable System Jorfi, Sahand

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17 Bioaccumulation Factors of Heavy Metal(loid)s in Some Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Species: Example of Zonguldak/Türkiye Çolak, Sinem

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18 Chemical Composition of Wet Atmospheric Deposition in a Natural Urban Reserve, Conservation of Green Urban Areas: a Mexico City Case Study Fonseca-Salazar, Ma. Alejandra

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19 Continuous Flow Electrochemical Process for Sanitary Landfill Leachate Treatment: Role of Inlet Flow Rate and Current Density Amusa, Abiodun Abdulhameed

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20 Distribution and Characteristics of Microplastics in Agricultural Soils around Gehu Lake, China Liang, Jingcheng

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21 Effect of Environmental Factors on Performance of Bioreactor with Immobilized Petroleum-Degrading Bacteria Beads Liu, Yixuan

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22 Effects of Long-term and Low-Concentration Inhalation Exposures of Drosophila melanogaster to Binary Mixtures of Benzene, Toluene, and m-Xylene Shen, Hao

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23 Efficient Adsorption of Anionic Azo Dye in Wastewater with Medulla tetrapanacis Modified by Cationic Surfactant Yan, Lianpeng

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24 Electrochemical Sensor for Antihistamine Drug Detection in River Water Using MoO3 Nanorods Pradeepan, Kavya

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25 Enhanced Antimony Removal by Yeast Powder Modified with KMnO4 Tang, Linxi

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26 Enhanced Degradation of Acid Orange 52 Using a Polyextremophilic Ascomycete in Stirred Tank Bioreactor Laraib, Qandeel

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27 Enhancement in Phytoremediation Efficiency of Tagetus erecta with the Application of Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) for the Restoration of Lead Contaminated Soil: an Approach Toward Sustainability Arora, Dinesh

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28 Environmental Significance of Mercury Content in Seafloor Sediments and Benthic Fish from the Offshores of Leizhou Peninsula, China Yang, Guohuan

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29 Evaluation of Physiological Stress of Grass Carp Chronically Exposed to Enrofloxacin Based on IBR Index Cao, Xu-Qian

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30 Evaluation of Various Physicochemical Properties and Their Seasonal Variation in Wulur Lake of Kashmir Himalayas Sultan, Seerat

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31 Exploring the Impacts of HDPE Microplastics on Growth and Physiological Behavior of Brassica juncea (Mustard Plant) Bansal, Megha

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32 Fabrication of Adsorption-Reactive Composite PAM-AMPS/Fe3O4 Hydrogel Based on Persulfate Advanced Oxidation Processes for Organic Pollutants Degradation Chen, Xi

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33 Fractality in PM2.5 Concentrations During the Dry and Wet Season over Indo-Gangetic Plain, India Chelani, Asha B.

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34 Functionalization of Pristine Coconut Husk (Cocos nucifera) with Sodium Vinyl Sulfonate for Removal of Toxic Hg2+ Ions from Wastewater Devi, Kavita

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35 Hexavalent Cr, Its Toxicity and Removal Strategy: Revealing PGPB Potential in Its Remediation Gupta, Akanksha

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36 Influence of Free Ammonia Concentration on Heterotrophic Nitrification—Aerobic Denitrification Process by Strain Pseudomonas otitidis YM-01 Yang, Maoyuan

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37 Investigation of Triclosan Fate and Performance in Continuous-Flow Activated Sludge Systems Li, Xuejie

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38 Isolation of the Gut Microbiome of Galleria mellonella Sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae and Its Role in the Digestion of Polyethylene Plastic Riabi, Hamed Ramezani Awal

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39 Isotherms, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics Adsorption of Sunset Yellow, Indigo Carmine, Titan Yellow, and Orange G with Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Aminopropyl-SBA-15 Schiff Base S, Prashanna Suvaitha

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40 Laboratory Studies into Tetracycline Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Beads of Calcium-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Mokif, Layla Abdulkareem

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41 Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities in Indoor Water Cultures: a Case Study in an Educational Building Ding, Qunxing

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42 Microplastics and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Abundance, Distribution, and Chemical Analyses in the Nash Run, an Urban Tributary to the Anacostia River (Washington, DC, USA) Davey, Elisa

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43 Molecular Classification and Antimicrobial Profiles of Chlorination-Resistant Escherichia Coli at Wastewater Treatment Plant in the North West Province of South Africa Makuwa, S.

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44 Molecular Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Central Huaihe River and Its Tributaries Wei, Feiyan

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45 Myco-Remediation of Textile Dyes Via Biosorption by Aspergillus tamarii Isolated from Domestic Wastewater Rai, Roshan

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46 PANI/CoO Nanocomposite Films with Excellent Photocatalytic Performance for Real Textile Wastewater Treatment Haspulat Taymaz, Bircan

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47 Pelletization and Fertilization Improve the Root Environment in Soil Affected by Iron Mining Tailings de Castro Borges, Pedro Henrique

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48 Performance Evaluation of an Advanced Adsorptive Media for Treating Wastewater from an Ethanol Production Plant Koottatep, T.

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49 Phosphorous-Functionalized Wheat Straw Biochar for the Efficient Removal of Cadmium and Lead in Aqueous Solution Ren, Xinhao

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50 Pilot-Scale Integrated Anaerobic–Aerobic Bioreactor for COD and NH3-N Removal: Start-up, Key Processes, and Performance Jin, Jianxiang

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51 Purification of Acid Sulfate Soil Runoff Water Using Biochar: a Meso-Scale Laboratory Experiment Kinnunen, Niko

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52 Recent Advances in Soil Cleanup Technologies for Oil Spills: a Systematic Review Saharan, Yajvinder

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53 Responses of Petroleum Contamination at Different Sites to Soil Physicochemical Properties and Indigenous Microbial Communities Chen, Guotao

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54 Spatiotemporal Variation of Fishy Smell-Causing Algae (Uroglena americana) and Its Correlation with Water Quality Factors in the Source Water of Drinking Water Treatment Plant Sarkar, Kanika

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55 Studies on the Phytoremediation Process for Removing Phenol from the Aquatic Environment Pourfadakari, Sudabeh

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56 Study of the Effect of Microplastics on the Generation of Chlorinated Disinfection Byproducts of Ciprofloxacin You, Yu

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57 Study on VOC Emission Accounting Method from Sewage Pool in Oilfield Based on COMSOL and Response Surface Methodology He, Hu

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58 Sustainable Development of Activated Porous Carbon Materials from Gum Arabic Tree Seed Shell for CO2 Capture Goskula, Srinath

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59 Synthesis of TiO2-Based Photocatalyst from Indonesia Ilmenite Ore for Photodegradation of Eriochrome Black-T Dye Putri, Reza Audina

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60 The Characteristics of Non-point Source Nitrogen Pollution in the Lower Reaches of Huangshui Basin in Western China Based on SWAT Model Tao, Wei

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61 The Effect and Potential Mechanism of Cement-Based Pellets for Fluoride Removal from Surface Water Yang, Chun

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62 The Effect of Short-Term Air Pollutants Exposure on Daily Mortality Among Elderly Individuals in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Liu, Cong

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63 The Effects of Biochar Pyrolyzed at Varying Temperatures and Different Water Types on the Properties of Lettuce and Soil Yerli, Caner

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64 The Impact of Benthic Organisms to Improve Water Quality in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida Despeignes, Alain

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65 The Impact of Japanese Companies’ Voluntary Efforts to Shift From Using Plastic to Paper Materials Since 2018 Kumamaru, Hirotaka

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66 The Mechanism of Immobilization of Cd(II) by Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria Bacillus sp. B19 Liu, Si-Yi

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67 The Potential Concentration-Dependent Effects of Tire Microplastics on the Earthworm Eisenia fetida Hamidianfar, Najla

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68 The Temporal and Spatial Variations of Microplastics in Sewage Discharges of Bandar Abbas City (Iran), Persian Gulf Mortazavi, Mohammad Seddiq

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69 Trophic Transfer, Bioaccumulation, and Detoxification of Lead and Zinc via Sewage Sludge Applied Soil-Barley-Aphid-Ladybird Food Chain Jahan, Urfi

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70 Weekend Effect of Air Pollutants in a Tropical Brazilian Metropolis Tavella, Ronan Adler

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                             70 gevonden resultaten
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