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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Approximation of the Classes of Periodic Functions of One and Many Variables from the Nikol’skii–Besov and Sobolev Spaces Romanyuk, A. S.

74 6 p. 967-980
2 Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of Third-Order Differential Equations with Rapidly Varying Nonlinearity Evtukhov, V. M.

74 6 p. 916-935
3 Best Orthogonal Trigonometric Approximations of the Nikol’skii–Besov-Type Classes of Periodic Functions in the Space B∞,1 Hembars’ka, S. B.

74 6 p. 883-895
4 b-Generalized Derivations on Prime Rings Pehlivan, T.

74 6 p. 953-966
5 Boundary-Value Problem for a Class of Nonlinear Systems of Partial Differential Equations of Higher Orders Kharibegashvili, S. S.

74 6 p. 981-995
6 Characterization by Order and Degree Pattern of the Simple Groups O8−q for Certain q Bibak, M.

74 6 p. 849-858
7 First Cohomology Space of the Orthosymplectic Lie Superalgebra osp(n|2) in the Lie Superalgebra of Superpseudodifferential Operators Boujelben, M.

74 6 p. 871-882
8 Infinite-Order Differential Operators in the Module of Formal Generalized Functions and in a Ring of Formal Power Series Hefter, S. L.

74 6 p. 896-915
9 Nonlinear Skew Commuting Maps on *-Rings Kong, L.

74 6 p. 946-952
10 On Equicontinuity of the Families of Mappings with One Normalization Condition in Terms of Prime Ends Ilkevych, N. S.

74 6 p. 936-945
11 Paley–Wiener-Type Theorem for Functions with Values in Banach Spaces Bang, H. H.

74 6 p. 835-848
12 Structure of a Twisted Group Algebra for an Algebra Obtained by the Cayley–Dickson Process Boboescu, R.

74 6 p. 859-870
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland