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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An enhanced frequency-domain contention scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLANs Al-Mefleh, Haithem

74 1 p. 27-34
2 An implementation of standardization for telecom systems on ships and offshore plants based on the TMS Kim, Jungwoo

74 1 p. 1-13
3 Cognitive radios real-time implementation on software defined radio for public safety communications Ali, Imtiyaz

74 1 p. 103-111
4 Cooperative spectrum sensing with energy harvesting Alhamad, Raed

74 1 p. 35-43
5 Cooperative spectrum sensing with incremental relaying Alhamad, Raed

74 1 p. 45-53
6 Direct extraction of rain-induced impairments on satellite communication channel in subtropical climate at K and Ka bands Al-Saegh, Ali M.

74 1 p. 15-25
7 Improved double cycle and link pair methods for two-link failure protection Athe, Pallavi

74 1 p. 83-93
8 On physical layer security in WSN over GK fading channels during intercept events Anastasov, Jelena A.

74 1 p. 95-102
9 Secure transmission scheme for SWIPT-powered full-duplex relay system with multi-antenna based on energy cooperation and cooperative jamming Zhang, Meng

74 1 p. 55-66
10 Software-defined networking with services oriented by domain names Silva, Lucas A. M.

74 1 p. 67-82
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland