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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical Solution to the Plane Bending Task of the Multilayer Beam with a Circular Axis under Normal Uniform Loading Koval’chuk, S. B.

52 5 p. 762-778
2 Deformation Relief of the Surface as a Characteristic of Fatigue Damage of Clad Aluminum Alloys. Part 1. Deformation Relief Evolution Under Cyclic Loading Ignatovich, S. R.

52 5 p. 707-714
3 Determination of Effective Characteristics of a Fibrous Composite with Account of Viscoelastic Deformation of its Components Bulat, À. F.

52 5 p. 691-699
4 Effect of Pulse Current on Residual Stresses in AMg6 Aluminum Alloy in Electrodynamic Treatment Sydorenko, Yu. M.

52 5 p. 731-737
5 Experimental Evaluation of Tensile Properties of Epoxy Composites with Added Cellulose Nanofiber Slurry Kurita, H.

52 5 p. 798-804
6 Fracture Resistance of Brittle Materials Under Local Loading by Scratching to Edge Chipping. Part. 1. Methodical Grounds of Research Khvorostyanyi, V. V.

52 5 p. 746-752
7 Polynomial Approximation-Based Optimal Design of Structures Interacting with an Aggressive Environment by the Random Search Method Filatov, G. V.

52 5 p. 753-761
8 Refined Mathematical Model of the Stress State of Adhesive Lap Joint: Experimental Determination of the Adhesive Layer Strength Criterion Kurennov, S. S.

52 5 p. 779-789
9 Shear Bond Strength of Different Adhesive Systems in Amalgam Repair Erçin, Ö.

52 5 p. 805-811
10 Strength and Plasticity of Cast Solid-Soluble High-Entropy Alloys Gorban’, V. F.

52 5 p. 700-706
11 Strength Assessment of Welded Joints of High-Strength Alloy Steels by Indentation Method Katok, O. A.

52 5 p. 715-721
12 The Effect of Different Materials and Techniques on Stress Distribution in CAD/CAM Endocrowns Eskitaşçioğlu, M.

52 5 p. 812-819
13 The Range of Use of the Critical Distance Concept to Predict the Endurance Limit in the Presence of Stress Raisers Herasymchuk, O. M.

52 5 p. 722-730
14 Thermal Expansion and Shrinkage of Unidirectional Composites at Elevated Temperatures Kucher, M. K.

52 5 p. 790-797
15 Thermostressed State of a Nozzle Vane from Max Phase Ceramics Karpinos, B. S.

52 5 p. 738-745
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland