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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A classification and systematic review of product line feature model defects Bhushan, Megha

28 4 p. 1507-1550
2 An empirical study on predictability of software maintainability using imbalanced data Malhotra, Ruchika

28 4 p. 1581-1614
3 Application of machine learning techniques to the flexible assessment and improvement of requirements quality Moreno, Valentín

28 4 p. 1645-1674
4 A public unified bug dataset for java and its assessment regarding metrics and bug prediction Ferenc, Rudolf

28 4 p. 1447-1506
5 Characteristics that affect preference of decision models for asset selection: an industrial questionnaire survey Alégroth, Emil

28 4 p. 1675-1707
6 Editor’s note
28 4 p. 1709
7 ER2C SDMLC: enterprise release risk-centric systems development and maintenance life cycle Sadler, Hamish

28 4 p. 1755-1787
8 In this issue Harrison, Rachel

28 4 p. 1411-1412
9 Predicting technical debt from commit contents: reproduction and extension with automated feature selection Rantala, Leevi

28 4 p. 1551-1579
10 The effect of Bellwether analysis on software vulnerability severity prediction models Kudjo, Patrick Kwaku

28 4 p. 1413-1446
11 Towards supporting software assurance assessments by detecting security patterns Bunke, Michaela

28 4 p. 1711-1753
12 What lies behind requirements? A quality assessment of statement grounds in requirements elicitation Burnay, Corentin

28 4 p. 1615-1643
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland