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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Concreteness and imageability and their influences on Chinese two-character word recognition Li, Degao

33 6 p. 1443-1476
2 Exploring the nature of associations between educators’ knowledge and their emergent literacy classroom practices Piasta, Shayne B.

33 6 p. 1399-1422
3 Matthew effects in writing productivity during second grade Wood, Carla

33 6 p. 1377-1398
4 Phonological awareness in Arabic: the role of phonological distance, phonological-unit size, and SES Saiegh-Haddad, Elinor

33 6 p. 1649-1674
5 Print exposure across the reading life span Grolig, Lorenz

33 6 p. 1423-1441
6 Prior knowledge and its activation in elementary classroom discourse Hattan, Courtney

33 6 p. 1617-1647
7 Relationships between reading profiles and narrative writing abilities in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder Zajic, Matthew C.

33 6 p. 1531-1556
8 Teaching writing in Brazilian public high schools Coelho, Raquel

33 6 p. 1477-1529
9 Visual statistical learning in children with and without DLD and its relation to literacy in children with DLD Lammertink, Imme

33 6 p. 1557-1589
10 Word and sentence level tests of morphological awareness in reading Bernstein, Stuart E.

33 6 p. 1591-1616
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland