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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Batch service systems with heterogeneous servers van Ommeren, Jan-Kees

95 3-4 p. 251-269
2 Limiting the oscillations in queues with delayed information through a novel type of delay announcement Novitzky, Sophia

95 3-4 p. 281-330
3 Markovian bulk-arrival and bulk-service queues with general state-dependent control Chen, Anyue

95 3-4 p. 331-378
4 Stability of JSQ in queues with general server-job class compatibilities Cruise, James

95 3-4 p. 271-279
5 Stein’s method for diffusive limits of queueing processes Besançon, Eustache

95 3-4 p. 173-201
6 The distribution of age-of-information performance measures for message processing systems Kesidis, George

95 3-4 p. 203-250
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland