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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Bodily expressions, feelings, and the direct perception account of social cognition Forlè, Francesca

19 5 p. 1019-1034
2 Book review of Sophie Loidolt, Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity Munch-Jurisic, Ditte Marie

19 5 p. 1035-1040
3 Horizons of the word: Words and tools in perception and action Kee, Hayden

19 5 p. 905-932
4 Husserlian horizons, cognitive affordances and motivating reasons for action Jorba, Marta

19 5 p. 847-868
5 Interactional Imogen: language, practice and the body Collins, Harry

19 5 p. 933-960
6 Minimizing prediction errors in predictive processing: from inconsistency to non-representationalism van Es, Thomas

19 5 p. 997-1017
7 Phenomenology and functional analysis. A functionalist reading of Husserlian phenomenology Pokropski, Marek

19 5 p. 869-889
8 Phenomenology-first versus third-person approaches in the science of consciousness: the case of the integrated information theory and the unfolding argument Negro, Niccolò

19 5 p. 979-996
9 Sartre’s Dessin, Literature and the Ambiguities of the Representing Word Süner, Ahmet

19 5 p. 891-904
10 The phenomenology of embodied attention D’Angelo, Diego

19 5 p. 961-978
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland