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                             38 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 AFCC-r: Adaptive Feedback Congestion Control Algorithm to Avoid Queue Overflow in LTE Networks Çakmak, Muhammet

27 5 p. 2138-2152
2 A Framework for Similarity Search in Streaming Time Series based on Spark Streaming Giao, Bui Cong

27 5 p. 2084-2097
3 An Angle Rotate-QAM aided Differential Spatial Modulation for 5G Ubiquitous Mobile Networks Fan, Yajun

27 5 p. 1828-1840
4 An Energy Efficient Uplink Scheduling and Resource Allocation for M2M Communications in SC-FDMA Based LTE-A Networks Li, Qiyue

27 5 p. 1841-1852
5 An Improved Selection Method Based on Crowded Comparison for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems in Intelligent Computing Gao, Ying

27 5 p. 1880-1890
6 An Intelligent Pilot Contamination Attacker-Defender Model for Wireless Networks: A Stackelberg Game Based Approach Wang, Zhangnan

27 5 p. 2163-2169
7 A Proposed Framework for Evaluating the Academic-failure Prediction in Distance Learning Takaki, Patrícia

27 5 p. 1958-1966
8 A Semantic Knowledge based Context-aware Formalism for Smart Border Surveillance System Nazir, Makia

27 5 p. 2036-2048
9 A Strategy for Identifying Specialists in Scientific Data Repositories de Sousa, Sérgio José

27 5 p. 1941-1951
10 C-EEUC: a Cluster Routing Protocol for Coal Mine Wireless Sensor Network Based on Fog Computing and 5G Chen, Wei

27 5 p. 1853-1866
11 Cloud-Based Remote Patient Monitoring System with Abnormality Detection and Alert Notification Sahu, Manju Lata

27 5 p. 1894-1909
12 Context-awareness and Nature of Computation and Communication Vinh, Phan Cong

27 5 p. 2010-2012
13 Contextual Features and Optimal Hierarchical Attention Networks for Sentiment Classification Under Data Streaming Environment Mohana, R. S.

27 5 p. 1995-2009
14 Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing Under Imperfect Feedback Channels Captain, Kamal

27 5 p. 1910-1923
15 Deadline-Aware Cache Placement Scheme Using Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning in Device-to-Device Mobile Edge Networks Somesula, Manoj Kumar

27 5 p. 2100-2117
16 Demand Forecasting for Freight Transport Applying Machine Learning into the Logistic Distribution Salais-Fierro, Tomás Eloy

27 5 p. 2172-2181
17 Differential Privacy Enabled Deep Neural Networks for Wireless Resource Management Rahman, Md Habibur

27 5 p. 2153-2162
18 Digital Twin Framework for Large-Scale Optimization Problems in Supply Chains: A Case of Packing Problem Marmolejo-Saucedo, Jose Antonio

27 5 p. 2198-2214
19 Editorial: Collaborative Computing in AI Empowered Mobile Networks Yang, Xiaoxian

27 5 p. 2098-2099
20 Editorial: Data and Information in Online Environments Bisset-Alvarez, Edgar

27 5 p. 1891-1893
21 Editorial: Digitization of Organizations: Towards a New Paradigm of Real-Time Systems Litvinchev, Igor

27 5 p. 2170-2171
22 Editorial: Heterogeneous Cloud-Based Intelligent Computing for Next-Generation 5G Applications Liu, Qiang

27 5 p. 1779-1782
23 Factors that influence researchers' state of anomie in the research data sharing process Monteiro, Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar

27 5 p. 1952-1957
24 Feature Importance Analysis by Nowcasting Perspective to Predict COVID-19 Gonçalves, André Vinícius

27 5 p. 1967-1976
25 Improved Flow Awareness Among Edge Nodes by Learning-Based Sampling in Software Defined Networks Deng, Jun

27 5 p. 1867-1879
26 Is the h-index Applicable and Sufficient to Assess Research Groups? dos Santos, Areli Andreia

27 5 p. 1924-1930
27 Metamodel Development to Predict Thermal Loads for Single-family Residential Buildings Olinger, Marcelo Salles

27 5 p. 1977-1986
28 Microdata Analytics of Out-of-pocket and Catastrophic Health Spending in Mexico: an Analysis by Quantiles Rodríguez-Aguilar, Román

27 5 p. 2182-2197
29 Modeling and Verifying PSO Memory Model Using CSP Xiao, Lili

27 5 p. 2068-2083
30 Offloading Optimization and Time Allocation for Multiuser Wireless Energy Transfer Based Mobile Edge Computing System Li, Chunlin

27 5 p. 1783-1791
31 Predicting Hypertension Based on Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study in Northwest Vietnam Oanh, Tran Thi

27 5 p. 2013-2023
32 Resource Optimization and Device Scheduling for Flexible Federated Edge Learning with Tradeoff Between Energy Consumption and Model Performance Hu, Youqiang

27 5 p. 2118-2137
33 Software Defined 5G and 6G Networks: a Survey Long, Qingyue

27 5 p. 1792-1812
34 Sports Information Communication Model Based on Network Technology Shao, Guohua

27 5 p. 1987-1994
35 Technological Surveillance in Big Data Environments by using a MapReduce-based Method Filho, Daniel San Martin Pascal

27 5 p. 1931-1940
36 Towards An FPGA-targeted Hardware/Software Co-design Framework for CNN-based Edge Computing Pham-Quoc, Cuong

27 5 p. 2024-2035
37 UAV-based Mobile Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Joint Optimization of User Scheduling and Trajectory Wang, Yi

27 5 p. 1813-1827
38 Verification of RabbitMQ with Kerberos Using Timed Automata Li, Ran

27 5 p. 2049-2067
                             38 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland