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                             41 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Cost-Effective 5-W GaN HEMT Power Amplifier for Sub-6-GHz 5G Wireless Communications Manh, Luong Duy

27 4 p. 1757-1767
2 Adaptive Clustered Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Data in Edge Computing Gong, Biyao

27 4 p. 1520-1530
3 A Deep Learning Approach to Detection and Mitigation of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in High Availability Intelligent Transport Systems Mahajan, Nitish

27 4 p. 1423-1443
4 A General Matrix Factorization Framework for Recommender Systems in Multi-access Edge Computing Network Liang, Guanzhong

27 4 p. 1629-1641
5 An Online Adjustment Based Node Placement Mechanism for the NFV-enabled MEC Network Liang, Liang

27 4 p. 1490-1505
6 An Optimized Collaborative Scheduling Algorithm for Prioritized Tasks with Shared Resources in Mobile-Edge and Cloud Computing Systems Amer, Amira A.

27 4 p. 1444-1460
7 Building Space Coding Based on Beidou Grid Position Code Cao, Jichang

27 4 p. 1700-1715
8 Cascade Forward Artificial Neural Network based Behavioral Predicting Approach for the Integrated Satellite-terrestrial Networks Yang, Mingchuan

27 4 p. 1569-1577
9 Channel Switching Cost-Aware Energy Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio-Enabled Internet of Things Arat, Ferhat

27 4 p. 1531-1550
10 Compensation Method of Electronic Commerce Data Transmission Delay Based on Fuzzy Encryption Algorithm Xiao, Yinyin

27 4 p. 1339-1348
11 Consensus Algorithms on Appendable-Block Blockchains: Impact and Security Analysis Lunardi, Roben C.

27 4 p. 1408-1420
12 Correction to: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Load Balancing of Edge Servers in IoV Li, Pu

27 4 p. 1475
13 Correction to: Priority-MECE: A Mobile Edge Cloud Ecosystem Based on Priority Tasks Offloading Li, Miao

27 4 p. 1778
14 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Human Behavior Analysis in Intelligent Sensor Network Peng, Bao

27 4 p. 1559-1568
15 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Load Balancing of Edge Servers in IoV Li, Pu

27 4 p. 1461-1474
16 Design of Oral English Intelligent Evaluation System Based on DTW Algorithm Fang, Yao

27 4 p. 1378-1385
17 Editorial: Intelligent and Innovative Solutions for Future Communication Networks (AICON 2020) Shi, Shuo

27 4 p. 1612-1614
18 Editorial: Intelligent Collaboration Under Internet of Things and Mobile Edge Computing Gao, Honghao

27 4 p. 1421-1422
19 Editorial: Recent Advances on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Communications Network Liu, Xin

27 4 p. 1551-1552
20 Editorial: The Key Trends in B5G Technologies, Services and Applications Vo, Nguyen-Son

27 4 p. 1716-1718
21 Encryption Transmission Verification Method of IT Operation and Maintenance Data Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis Zhao, Chen

27 4 p. 1386-1396
22 Exploiting Knowledge for Better Mobility Support in the Future Internet Xia, Zhongda

27 4 p. 1671-1687
23 Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm of High-Order M-APSK Modulation Signal Based on DFT Liu, Xiaowei

27 4 p. 1659-1670
24 High-Speed VLSI Implementation of an Improved Parallel Delayed LMS Algorithm Liu, Ming

27 4 p. 1593-1603
25 Interference Suppression and Receiving Performance Improvement for Local Cooperation with Channel Estimation Error Xu, Datong

27 4 p. 1734-1745
26 JOSP: Joint Optimization of Flow Path Scheduling and Virtual Network Function Placement for Delay-Sensitive Applications Lyu, Qing

27 4 p. 1642-1658
27 Mobile Edge Server Deployment towards Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing: A Clustering Approach Li, Wenzao

27 4 p. 1476-1489
28 Multiple Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Algorithm Zhang, Ying

27 4 p. 1349-1358
29 Multi Source Data Association Clustering Analysis Based on Symmetric Encryption Algorithm Wang, Haiqing

27 4 p. 1359-1367
30 Multi-UAV Collaborative Wireless Communication Networks for Single Cell Edge Users Feng, Zilong

27 4 p. 1578-1592
31 Noise Robust Automatic Scoring Based on Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models with Lattice-Free MMI and Factorized Adaptation Luo, Dean

27 4 p. 1604-1611
32 Performance Assessment of OTFS Modulation in High Doppler Airborne Communication Networks Chu, Thi My Chinh

27 4 p. 1746-1756
33 Physical Violence Detection Based on Distributed Surveillance Cameras Ye, Liang

27 4 p. 1688-1699
34 Priority-MECE: A Mobile Edge Cloud Ecosystem Based on Priority Tasks Offloading Li, Miao

27 4 p. 1768-1777
35 Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Based on Lorentz Fitting Huang, Guoxing

27 4 p. 1615-1628
36 Research and Implementation of Parallel Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm Based on Ternary Optical Computer Li, Shuang

27 4 p. 1397-1407
37 Research on Anti-Jamming Algorithm of Massive MIMO Communication System Based on Multi-User Game Theory Guan, Mingxiang

27 4 p. 1553-1558
38 Robust and Cost-effective Resource Allocation for Complex IoT Applications in Edge-Cloud Collaboration Xiang, Zhengzhe

27 4 p. 1506-1519
39 Secure Communication for RF Energy Harvesting NOMA Relaying Networks with Relay-User Selection Scheme and Optimization Nguyen, Van-Long

27 4 p. 1719-1733
40 Special Issue on Advanced Network Security: Methods and Applications Wu, Xuejun

27 4 p. 1337-1338
41 The Calculation Method of the Network Security Probability of the Multi-rail Division Based on Fuzzy Inference Yin, Lijie

27 4 p. 1368-1377
                             41 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland