Digitale Bibliotheek
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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Mixed Reality-Based Chemistry Experiment Learning System to Facilitate Chemical Laboratory Safety Education Chen, Chih-Ming

33 4 p. 505-525
2 Development and Application of a Domain-Specific TPACK Questionnaire—Findings from a Longitudinal Study on Teaching Human Biology Using Digital Tools Mölgen, Leona

33 4 p. 607-620
3 Digital Game-Based Inquiry Learning to Improve Eighth Graders’ Inquiry Skills in Biology Bónus, Lilla

33 4 p. 1-17
4 Digital Tools in Informal Science Education Sites: A Systematic Literature Review Ramsurrun, Hemraj

33 4 p. 569-589
5 Exploring the Effects and Inquiry Process Behaviors of Fifth-Grade Students Using Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy in Virtual Inquiry Learning Zheng, Yafeng

33 4 p. 590-606
6 Fink’s Integrated Course Design and Taxonomy: The Impact of Their Use in an Undergraduate Introductory Course on Bioinformatics Katyal, Ashish

33 4 p. 493-504
7 Integrating Making with Authentic Science Classes: An Approach and Evidence Chen, Kaiyuan

33 4 p. 479-492
8 Pixels and Pedagogy: Examining Science Education Imagery by Generative Artificial Intelligence Cooper, Grant

33 4 p. 556-568
9 Precipitating Change: Integrating Computational Thinking in Middle School Weather Forecasting Marcum-Dietrich, Nanette I.

33 4 p. 444-461
10 Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning Through SR-STEM to Foster Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Renewable Energy Material Rizki, Iqbal Ainur

33 4 p. 526-541
11 The Challenge and Opportunities of STEM Learning Efficacy for Living Technology Through a Transdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Activity Su, King-Dow

33 4 p. 429-443
12 The Perceived Complexity of Learning Tasks Influences Students’ Collaborative Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality Matovu, Henry

33 4 p. 542-555
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland