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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anticipatory racism stress, smoking and disease activity: the Black women’s experiences living with lupus (BeWELL) study Spears, Erica C.

44 6 p. 760-771
2 Dyadic concordance and associations of beliefs with intentions to learn carrier results from genomic sequencing Huelsnitz, Chloe O.

44 6 p. 860-866
3 Effects of social support in an academic context on low-grade inflammation in high school students Chen, Edith

44 6 p. 803-810
4 Exercise as a smoking cessation treatment for women: a randomized controlled trial Dunsiger, Shira

44 6 p. 794-802
5 Factors associated with barriers to engagement in HIV-prevention care among sexual minority men Harkness, Audrey

44 6 p. 784-793
6 Firearm purchasing during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in households with teens: a national study Sokol, Rebeccah L.

44 6 p. 874-882
7 Impact of income and perceived stress on engagement and weight loss outcomes in an online behavioral weight loss program Volz, Kristen

44 6 p. 853-859
8 Intervention mediating effects of self-efficacy on patient physical and psychological health following ICD implantation Liberato, Ana C. S.

44 6 p. 842-852
9 Non-fatal gun violence and community health behaviors: A neighborhood analysis in Philadelphia Semenza, Daniel C.

44 6 p. 833-841
10 Psychological and behavioral pathways between perceived stress and weight change in a behavioral weight loss intervention Molina, Kristine

44 6 p. 822-832
11 Sleep and neighborhood socioeconomic status: a micro longitudinal study of chronic low-back pain and pain-free individuals Rumble, Deanna D.

44 6 p. 811-821
12 Smoking among adult congenital heart disease survivors in the United States: Prevalence and relationship with illness perceptions Fox, Kristen R.

44 6 p. 772-783
13 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in the two largest economies in the world: a comparison between the United States and China Wang, Cuiyan

44 6 p. 741-759
14 Why some parents made firearms more accessible during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a national study Sokol, Rebeccah L.

44 6 p. 867-873
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland