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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Conceptual and Methodological Concerns: A Commentary on “Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of ABA Content on IQ Gains in Children with Autism” Beaujean, A. Alexander

30 3 p. 479-488
2 Correction to: Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of ABA Content on IQ Gains in Children with Autism Dixon, Mark R.

30 3 p. 478
3 Effects of Online Training on Educators’ Knowledge and Use of System of Least Prompts to Support Augmentative and Alternative Communication McCoy, Ashley

30 3 p. 319-349
4 Maintenance and Generalization of Preschool Teachers’ Use of Behavior-Specific Praise Following In Situ Training LaBrot, Zachary C.

30 3 p. 350-377
5 Perspectives on the Use of Quantitative Analysis in Single-Case Experimental Research Byiers, Breanne J.

30 3 p. 444-454
6 P < .05 is in the Eye of the Beholder: A Response to Beaujean and Farmer (2020) Yi, Zhihui

30 3 p. 489-511
7 Practitioner Perspectives on Hypothesis Testing Strategies in the Context of Functional Behavior Assessment Lloyd, Blair P.

30 3 p. 417-443
8 Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of ABA Content on IQ Gains in Children with Autism Dixon, Mark R.

30 3 p. 455-477
9 Teaching a Physical Activity to Students with Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disability Using a Peer-Delivered Simultaneous Prompting Procedure: A Single-Case Experimental Design Study Park, Gwitaek

30 3 p. 378-396
10 Using a Daily Report Card to Reduce Off-Task Behaviors for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Riden, Benjamin S.

30 3 p. 397-416
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland