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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Current efficiency and kinetics of cobalt electrodeposition in acid chloride solutions. Part II: the influence of chloride and sulphate concentrations Kongstein, O. E.

37 6 p. 675-680
2 Current efficiency and kinetics of cobalt electrodeposition in acid chloride solutions. Part I: The influence of current density, pH and temperature Kongstein, O. E.

37 6 p. 669-674
3 Effects of mechanical grinding on initial activation and rate capability of Zr–Ti based Laves phase alloy electrode Matsuoka, Masao

37 6 p. 759-764
4 Electrochemical applications of net-benefit analysis via Bayesian probabilities Fahidy, T. Z.

37 6 p. 747-752
5 Electrochemical impedance and conductivity measurements in a heterogeneous Fe powder particle—electrolyte system with or without electrochemical reaction Gál, M. F.

37 6 p. 737-746
6 Electrochemical oxidation of alcoholamines at gold Łuczak, Teresa

37 6 p. 653-660
7 Electrochemical oxidation of 4-chlorophenol and its by-products using Ti/Ru0.3M0.7O2 (M = Ti or Sn) anodes: preparation route versus degradation efficiency Coteiro, R. D.

37 6 p. 691-698
8 Electro-osmotic drag of methanol in proton exchange membranes Tschinder, T.

37 6 p. 711-716
9 Influence of electrode preparation on the electrochemical behaviour of carbon-based supercapacitors Ruiz, V.

37 6 p. 717-721
10 Inhibitors with biocidal functionalities to mitigate corrosion on mild steel in natural aqueous environment Gopi, D.
37 6 p. 681-689
11 Mathematical characterization of internal pressure variation of Ni-MH batteries Shan, Zhong-qiang

37 6 p. 699-704
12 Some environmentally friendly formulations as inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in sulfuric acid solution Morad, M. S.

37 6 p. 661-668
13 Synthesis and characterization of poly(N-(2-(thiophen-3-yl)methylcarbonyloxyethyl)maleimide) and its spectroelectrochemical properties Ak, Metin

37 6 p. 729-735
14 The corrosion and electrochemical behaviour of pure aluminium in alkaline methanol solutions Wang, Jun-Bo

37 6 p. 753-758
15 The electrochemistry of TEMPO-mediated oxidation of alcohols in ionic liquid Barhdadi, R.

37 6 p. 723-728
16 Voltammetric studies of a novel bicopper complex modified glassy carbon electrode for the simultaneous determination of dopamine and ascorbic acid Wang, Mingyan

37 6 p. 705-710
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland