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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of neural-based visual recognisers for speech activity detection Raza, Sajjadali

26 3 p. 599-608
2 A deep learning approach for robust speaker identification using chroma energy normalized statistics and mel frequency cepstral coefficients Abraham, J. V. Thomas

26 3 p. 579-587
3 An automatic speech recognition system for isolated Amazigh word using 1D & 2D CNN-LSTM architecture Daouad, Mohamed

26 3 p. 775-787
4 Assessing American presidential candidates using principles of ontological engineering, word sense disambiguation, data envelope analysis and qualitative comparative analysis Rodger, James A.

26 3 p. 743-764
5 Automatic age recognition, call-type classification, and speaker identification of Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) using hidden Markov models (HMMs) Trawicki, Marek B.

26 3 p. 641-650
6 Automatic speech emotion detection using hybrid of gray wolf optimizer and naïve Bayes Ramesh, S.

26 3 p. 571-578
7 Binary classifier for identification of stammering instances in Hindi speech data Dwivedi, Shivam

26 3 p. 765-774
8 Bird species recognition using spiking neural network along with distance based fuzzy co-clustering Mohanty, Ricky

26 3 p. 681-694
9 Deep learning structure for emotion prediction using MFCC from native languages Rao, A. Suresh

26 3 p. 721-733
10 Machine learning based classification of EEG signal for detection of child epileptic seizure without snipping Sethy, Prabira Kumar

26 3 p. 559-570
11 Monaural speech separation using WT-Conv-TasNet for hearing aids Agrawal, Jharna

26 3 p. 707-720
12 Optimal secure XOR encryption with dynamic key for effective audio steganography Manjunath, K.

26 3 p. 589-598
13 Robust automatic accent identification based on the acoustic evidence Alsharhan, Eiman

26 3 p. 665-680
14 Speaker and gender dependencies in within/cross linguistic Speech Emotion Recognition Chakhtouna, Adil

26 3 p. 609-625
15 Speech signal analysis and enhancement using combined wavelet Fourier transform with stacked deep learning architecture Srinivasarao, V.

26 3 p. 735-742
16 Time frequency domain deep CNN for automatic background classification in speech signals Yakkati, Rakesh Reddy

26 3 p. 695-706
17 Towards modeling raw speech in gender identification of children using sincNet over ERB scale Radha, Kodali

26 3 p. 651-663
18 Unsupervised spoken term discovery using pseudo lexical induction Sudhakar, P.

26 3 p. 801-816
19 Using combined features to improve speaker verification in the face of limited reverberant data Al-Karawi, Khamis A.

26 3 p. 789-799
20 Voice user interfaces in manufacturing logistics: a literature review Ludwig, Heiner

26 3 p. 627-639
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland