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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-related hearing loss, speech understanding and cognitive technologies Lehmann, J.

24 2 p. 509-516
2 An acoustic model and linguistic analysis for Malayalam disyllabic words: a low resource language Lekshmi, K. R.

24 2 p. 483-495
3 An effective tumor detection approach using denoised MRI based on fuzzy bayesian segmentation approach Narasimha, C.

24 2 p. 259-280
4 An efficient sentimental analysis using hybrid deep learning and optimization technique for Twitter using parts of speech (POS) tagging Divyapushpalakshmi, M.

24 2 p. 329-339
5 A review on speech processing using machine learning paradigm Bhangale, Kishor Barasu

24 2 p. 367-388
6 Audio signal quality enhancement using multi-layered convolutional neural network based auto encoder–decoder Raj, Shivangi

24 2 p. 425-437
7 Automated detection system for texture feature based classification on different image datasets using S-transform Kesav, O. Homa

24 2 p. 251-258
8 Convolutional neural network vectors for speaker recognition Hourri, Soufiane

24 2 p. 389-400
9 Design and comparative analysis of on-chip sigma delta ADC for signal processing applications Vardhini, P. A. Harsha

24 2 p. 401-407
10 Design of an auto adaption unit for reconfigurable analog to digital converters Kakarla, Hari Kishore

24 2 p. 351-357
11 Detection of replay signals using excitation source and shifted CQCC features Dutta, Krishna

24 2 p. 497-507
12 DNN and i-vector combined method for speaker recognition on multi-variability environments Reyes-Díaz, Flavio J.

24 2 p. 409-418
13 Enhancing accuracy of long contextual dependencies for Punjabi speech recognition system using deep LSTM Kadyan, Virender

24 2 p. 517-527
14 Exploring end-to-end framework towards Khasi speech recognition system Syiem, Bronson

24 2 p. 419-424
15 Fast and denoise feature extraction based ADMF–CNN with GBML framework for MRI brain image Sreelakshmi, D.

24 2 p. 529-544
16 Fusion of mel and gammatone frequency cepstral coefficients for speech emotion recognition using deep C-RNN Kumaran, U.

24 2 p. 303-314
17 Hybrid optimization algorithm to estimate azimuth angle for millimeter wave massive MIMO system Rao, Y. Srinivasa

24 2 p. 315-327
18 Hybrid optimization for virtual machine migration of utilizing healthcare text in the cloud Prathap, R.

24 2 p. 359-365
19 Improved design debugging architecture using low power serial communication protocols for signal processing applications Murali, A.

24 2 p. 291-302
20 In search of a suitable method for disambiguation of word senses in Bengali Pal, Alok Ranjan

24 2 p. 439-454
21 Multi-lead ECG signal analysis using RBFNN-MSO algorithm Srinivasulu, Menta

24 2 p. 341-350
22 Personalized weather information for low-literate farmers using multimodal dialog systems Qasim, Muhammad

24 2 p. 455-471
23 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Emotional interpretation using chaotic cuckoo public sentiment variations on textual data from Twitter Anbazhagu, U. V.

24 2 p. 281-290
24 Training augmentation with TANDEM acoustic modelling in Punjabi adult speech recognition system Kadyan, Virender

24 2 p. 473-481
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland