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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A deep learning approach to integrate convolutional neural networks in speaker recognition Hourri, Soufiane

23 3 p. 615-623
2 A model of a generic Arabic language interface for multimodel database Hanane, Bais

23 3 p. 669-681
3 An efficient approach for detecting vowel onset and offset points in speech signal Garnaik, Sarmila

23 3 p. 643-651
4 An efficient state detection of a person by fusion of acoustic and alcoholic features using various classification algorithms Shenoi, V. Viswanath

23 3 p. 625-632
5 A real-world noise removal with wavelet speech feature Chiluveru, Samba Raju

23 3 p. 683-693
6 Correction to: Low-complexity disordered speech quality estimation Ali, Yousef S. Ettomi

23 3 p. 595
7 DNN-based grapheme-to-phoneme conversion for Arabic text-to-speech synthesis Hadj Ali, Ikbel

23 3 p. 569-584
8 English speech sound improvement system based on deep learning from signal processing to semantic recognition Yang, Yucheng

23 3 p. 505-515
9 Fusion effect of SVM in spark architecture for speech data mining in cluster structure Shen, Jianfei

23 3 p. 481-488
10 Ideal frequency rendezvousing for multiuser communication (IFRMC) over cognitive radio network Suneetha, Ch.

23 3 p. 537-547
11 Implementation of computer network user behavior forensic analysis system based on speech data system log Lian, Jin

23 3 p. 559-567
12 Low-complexity disordered speech quality estimation Ali, Yousef S. Ettomi

23 3 p. 585-594
13 Multidimensional feature diversity based speech signal acquisition Konduru, Ashok Kumar

23 3 p. 527-535
14 Multilingual spoken term detection: a review Deekshitha, G.

23 3 p. 653-667
15 Recognition of Arabic speech sound error in children Hammami, Nacereddine

23 3 p. 705-711
16 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Intelligent online education system based on speech recognition with specialized analysis on quality of service Jiang, Yuyin

23 3 p. 489-497
17 RNN based machine translation and transliteration for Twitter data Vathsala, M. K.

23 3 p. 499-504
18 Significance of Phonological Features in Speech Emotion Recognition Wang, Wei

23 3 p. 633-642
19 Speaker-independent expressive voice synthesis using learning-based hybrid network model Vekkot, Susmitha

23 3 p. 597-613
20 Speech intelligibility enhancement: a hybrid wiener approach Srinivasarao, V.

23 3 p. 517-525
21 Systolic architecture for adaptive block FIR filter for throughput using distributed arithmetic Chowdari, Ch Pratyusha

23 3 p. 549-557
22 Unsupervised stemmed text corpus for language modeling and transcription of Telugu broadcast news Pala, Mythilisharan

23 3 p. 695-704
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland