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                             28 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Macro Tool to Characterize and Develop Key Competencies for the Mathematics Teacher’ Practice Pino-Fan, Luis R.

21 Suppl 1 p. 1407-1432
2 An Analysis of Teachers’ Beliefs About the Integration of Children’s Literature into the Mathematics Education Can, Derya

21 Suppl 1 p. 489-512
3 Assessing Expectancy and Value Beliefs in Mathematics: Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences Across Two Ethnic Cultures Kang, Xia

21 Suppl 1 p. 1985-2004
4 CGI Teachers’ Patterns of Interacting with Male and Female Students During Their First and Second Years of Practice Kolovou, Maria

21 Suppl 1 p. 1451-1472
5 Characterising a Representation Construction Pedagogy for Integrating Science and Mathematics in the Primary School Tytler, Russell

21 Suppl 1 p. 1153-1175
6 Characteristics of Good Mathematics Teaching in China: Findings from Classroom Observations Zhou, Jiushi

21 Suppl 1 p. 1177-1196
7 Development and Application of a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test to Assess Pre-service Science Teachers’ Understanding on Work-Power and Energy Concepts IRMAK, Meltem

21 Suppl 1 p. 159-185
8 Direct and Transfer Effects of an Interdisciplinary Model Integrating Science and Reading in Grades 1–3: Results and Policy Implications Vitale, Michael R.

21 Suppl 1 p. 2203-2214
9 Dispositions of 21st-Century Skills in STEM Programs and Their Changes over Time Chen, Ssu-Kuang

21 Suppl 1 p. 1363-1380
10 Effects of Data Nuggets on Student Interest in STEM Careers, Self-efficacy in Data Tasks, and Ability to Construct Scientific Explanations Schultheis, Elizabeth H.

21 Suppl 1 p. 1339-1362
11 Elementary School Students’ Length Estimation Skills—Analyzing a Multidimensional Construct in a Cross-Country Study Hoth, Jessica

21 Suppl 1 p. 1841-1864
12 Elementary Students’ Engineering Design Process: How Young Students Solve Engineering Problems Sung, Euisuk

21 Suppl 1 p. 1615-1638
13 Epistemic Emotions and Observations Are Intertwined in Scientific Sensemaking: A Study among Upper Secondary Physics Students Vilhunen, Elisa

21 Suppl 1 p. 1545-1566
14 Examining Opportunities to Learn Limit in Widely Used Calculus Textbooks Hong, Dae S.

21 Suppl 1 p. 881-898
15 Exploring Changes of Mathematics Teachers’ Noticing in a Video Club: Identifying Turning Points Han, Chaereen

21 Suppl 1 p. 835-861
16 Exploring In-The-Moment Teaching Moves that Support Sociomathematical and General Social Norms in Dialogic Instruction Campbell, Tye G.

21 Suppl 1 p. 1-23
17 Fixing the Leaky Pipeline for Talented Women in STEM Almukhambetova, Ainur

21 Suppl 1 p. 305-324
18 Fostering Preservice Teachers’ Diagnostic Competence in Identifying Students’ Misconceptions in Physics Timothy, Venance

21 Suppl 1 p. 1685-1702
19 Hidden Bias, Low Expectations, and Social Stereotypes: Understanding Female Students’ Retention in Math-Intensive STEM Fields Almukhambetova, Ainur

21 Suppl 1 p. 535-557
20 Identifying Metacognitive Behavior in Problem-Posing Processes Baumanns, Lukas

21 Suppl 1 p. 1381-1406
21 Investigating the Effects of Design-Based STEM Learning on Primary Students’ STEM Creativity and Epistemic Beliefs Wan, Zhi Hong

21 Suppl 1 p. 87-108
22 Measuring Pre-service Primary Teachers’ Shame in Mathematics—a Comprehensive Validation Study Jenßen, Lars

21 Suppl 1 p. 463-488
23 Pragmatic, Persistent, and Precarious: The Pathways of Three Minority Ethnic Women in STEM Higher Education Wong, Billy

21 Suppl 1 p. 2123-2142
24 Supporting Students’ Use of Ecological Concepts in Field-Based Modeling of Ecological Phenomena Ha, Heesoo

21 Suppl 1 p. 2215-2235
25 Teaching Approaches for STEM Integration in Pre- and Primary School: a Systematic Qualitative Literature Review Larkin, Kevin

21 Suppl 1 p. 11-39
26 The Effectiveness of Collaborative Mind Mapping in Hong Kong Primary Science Classrooms Fung, Dennis

21 Suppl 1 p. 899-922
27 The Effect of Inquiry-Based Practices on Scientific Literacy: the Mediating Role of Science Attitudes Ma, Yue

21 Suppl 1 p. 2045-2066
28 Unpacking Students’ Modeling Practices During a Modeling-Based STEM Curriculum on Highway Route Selection: Comparing Between High- and Low-Spatial Ability Students Lin, Jing-Wen

21 Suppl 1 p. 67-86
                             28 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland