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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Contestations over the financial linkages between the UNFCCC’s Technology and Financial Mechanism: using the lens of institutional interaction Oh, Chaewoon

20 3 p. 559-575
2 Limits to learning: the struggle to adapt to unintended effects of international payment for environmental services programmes Koch, Dirk-Jan

20 3 p. 507-539
3 Moral duties, compliance and polycentric climate governance Gajevic Sayegh, Alexandre

20 3 p. 483-506
4 New alliances in global environmental governance: how intergovernmental treaty secretariats interact with non-state actors to address transboundary environmental problems Hickmann, Thomas

20 3 p. 459-481
5 The function of international business frameworks for governing companies’ climate change-related actions toward the 2050 goals Hori, Shiro

20 3 p. 541-557
6 The public administration of territorial seas: Ukrainian case Kormych, Borys

20 3 p. 577-595
7 The Sustainable Development Goals viewed through Gross National Happiness, Ubuntu, and Buen Vivir van Norren, Dorine E.

20 3 p. 431-458
8 Transforming our world? Discursive representation in the negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals Sénit, Carole-Anne

20 3 p. 411-429
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland