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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access and allocation in climate change adaptation Grecksch, Kevin

20 2 p. 271-286
2 Access and allocation in earth system governance: lessons learnt in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals Gupta, Joyeeta

20 2 p. 393-410
3 Access and allocation in food governance, a decadal view 2008–2018 Azizi, Dona

20 2 p. 323-338
4 Access and allocation in global biodiversity governance: a review Coolsaet, Brendan

20 2 p. 359-375
5 Access and allocation: rights to water, sanitation and hygiene Hurlbert, Margot

20 2 p. 339-358
6 Access and allocation: the role of large shareholders and investors in leaving fossil fuels underground Gupta, Joyeeta

20 2 p. 303-322
7 Climate mitigation policies and actions: access and allocation issues Ivanova, Antonina

20 2 p. 287-301
8 Editorial Access and Allocation in Earth System Governance Gupta, Joyeeta

20 2 p. 197-201
9 Epistemological and ethical understandings of access and allocation in Earth System Governance: a 10-year review of the literature Kalfagianni, Agni

20 2 p. 203-221
10 International aid, trade and investment and access and allocation Scobie, Michelle

20 2 p. 239-254
11 The global economic system and access and allocation in earth system governance Gonenc, Defne

20 2 p. 223-238
12 The global governance of water, energy, and food nexus: allocation and access for competing demands Sharma, Pritee

20 2 p. 377-391
13 What goes around, comes around? Access and allocation problems in Global North–South waste trade Cotta, Benedetta

20 2 p. 255-269
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland