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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Asymmetric barriers in atmospheric politics of transboundary air pollution: a case of particulate matter (PM) cooperation between China and South Korea Lee, Taedong

20 1 p. 123-140
2 Celebrating INEA’s authors and editors Gupta, Joyeeta

20 1 p. 1-4
3 How the game changer was generated? An analysis on the legal rules and development of China’s green bond market Huang, Tao

20 1 p. 85-102
4 Hydropolitics and issue-linkage along the Orontes River Basin: an analysis of the Lebanon–Syria and Syria–Turkey hydropolitical relations Conker, Ahmet

20 1 p. 103-121
5 Past and future of burden sharing in the climate regime: positions and ambition from a top-down to a bottom-up governance system Castro, Paula

20 1 p. 41-60
6 Policy adoption, legislative developments, and implementation: the resulting global differences among countries in the management of biological resources Atisa, George

20 1 p. 141-159
7 Structural conditions for novelty: the introduction of new environmental clauses to the trade regime complex Hollway, James

20 1 p. 61-83
8 The contribution of the right to information laws in Europe to local government transparency on sustainability Alcaraz-Quiles, Francisco J.

20 1 p. 161-178
9 The doctrine of liability fixation of state responsibility in the convention on transboundary pollution damage Hu, Xuyu

20 1 p. 179-195
10 Understanding the limitations of current RFMO climate change adaptation strategies: the case of the IATTC and the Eastern Pacific Ocean Pentz, Brian

20 1 p. 21-39
11 Why is it hard to solve environmental problems? The perils of institutional reductionism and institutional overload Young, Oran R.

20 1 p. 5-19
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland