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                             60 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advances in Mössbauer spectroscopy instrumental architecture Navařík, Jakub

242 1 artikel
2 Anisotropy of transverse spin relaxation in H2O-D2O liquid entrapped in Nanocavities: application to studies of connective tissues Furman, Gregory

242 1 artikel
3 Antiferromagnetic spin pumping via hyperfine interaction Cahaya, Adam B.

242 1 artikel
4 Application of spin polarized 19O beam to the study of oxygen motion in solid oxide fuel cell materials Otani, Y.

242 1 artikel
5 Application of synchrotron-radiation-based Mössbauer spectroscopy to 193Ir 73 keV transition Tsutsui, Satoshi

242 1 artikel
6 Can Mӧssbauer methods of classifying ordinary chondrites help to identify non-representative samples of these meteorites? Jakubowska, Martyna

242 1 artikel
7 Carbonaceous-chondrite inclusions in the Kapoeta achondritic meteorite studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy Abdu, Yassir A.

242 1 artikel
8 Carbothermal reduction of mill scales formed on steel billets during continuous casting Suarez, S. M. Espinoza

242 1 artikel
9 Challenges of fitting a Nitrided austenitic stainless steel Mössbauer Spectrum Olzon-Dionysio, Danilo

242 1 artikel
10 Characterization of muoniated spin probes in cholesterol by avoided level crossing muon spin resonance McKenzie, Iain

242 1 artikel
11 Characterization of recycled Q235 steel chips from rolling billet scales Miranda, A. G. Villasante

242 1 artikel
12 Characterization of steel billet scales generated during the continuous casting process in SIDERPERU steel plant Borja-Castro, L. E.

242 1 artikel
13 Cluster radioactivity in 294,296Og Jain, A.

242 1 artikel
14 Comparison of the 57Fe hyperfine parameters for iron-bearing phases in some undifferentiated and differentiated meteorites Oshtrakh, M. I.

242 1 artikel
15 Decontamination of radioactive cesium and the redox state of Iron in the soil Nakashima, Satoru

242 1 artikel
16 Direct observation of magnetic Friedel oscillation at Fe(001) surface Mitsui, Takaya

242 1 artikel
17 Effect of silica-nanoparticle fillers on the Johari-Goldstein-β process in polymer nanocomposites Saito, Makina

242 1 artikel
18 57Fe Mössbauer and Magnetism study of Mo6+ and W6+ substituted four-layer Aurivillius Bi5FeTi3O15 compound Prajapat, Deepak

242 1 artikel
19 57Fe Mössbauer and magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) study of transcritical state in permalloy (FexNi100-x) thin films Raj, Rakhul

242 1 artikel
20 57Fe Mössbauer study of an iron(II) sensor for the detection of toxic gases at room temperature Sun, Li

242 1 artikel
21 57Fe Mössbauer study of CoCrxFe2-xO4 nano ferrite Tiwari, P.

242 1 artikel
22 57Fe Mössbauer study of Zn doped cobalt based (Co2Y) Y-type Ba0.5Sr1.5Co2Fe12O22 hexaferrites Manendar, M.

242 1 artikel
23 Galfenol/polyurethane Magnetoactive composites study by small angle scattering of resonant synchrotron radiation Zholudev, Sergey

242 1 artikel
24 High-resolution β-NMR of short-lived spin-1/2 nucleus 17N implanted into water Mihara, Mototsugu

242 1 artikel
25 Hyperfine interactions in the Bi1−xLaxFeO3 ferrites (x = 0.0225, 0.075, 0.9) Pokatilov, V. S.

242 1 artikel
26 Impact of Si atoms on the curie temperature of bcc-FeSi alloys Ghafari, M.

242 1 artikel
27 In-field 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study of polycrystalline rare-earth iron garnet (R3Fe5O12; R=Y, Gd, Ho, Tm, & Yb) compounds Kuila, Manik

242 1 artikel
28 Magicity in the nuclei with N = 32 & 34 Sharma, R.

242 1 artikel
29 Magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles with a DMSA-modified surface Winiarczyk, K.

242 1 artikel
30 Magnetic properties of the MRI enhancement agent Feridex from Mössbauer spectra Hah, H.Y.

242 1 artikel
31 4M method – new application of Mössbauer spectroscopy to classification of meteorites. How it works? Gałązka-Friedman, Jolanta

242 1 artikel
32 Mossbauer and Raman spectroscopy study of Y-garnet particles’ magnetic properties tune-up through mechanochemically synthesized precursors Tatiana, Kiseleva

242 1 artikel
33 Mössbauer measurements of GaFeO3 single crystal multiferroic Szymański, K.

242 1 artikel
34 Mössbauer spectroscopy investigation of Fe oxide nanoparticles synthesized by a novel hydrothermal process over a wide pH range (3–13) Comanescu, Cezar

242 1 artikel
35 Mössbauer spectroscopy with polarized synchrotron beams at Fe/Au (111) interface Okabayashi, Jun

242 1 artikel
36 Mössbauer studies of microwave sintered NiFe2O4-BaFe12O19 composites Ganesh, K.

242 1 artikel
37 Nanostructured FeNiZrB powders synthesized by high-energy ball milling: structural and hyperfine characterizations Peña Rodríguez, V. A.

242 1 artikel
38 On the relationship between magnetic moment and nuclear magnetic hyperfine field of 57Fe Ghafari, M.

242 1 artikel
39 Orthorhombic structure stabilazation in bulk HfO2 by yttrium doping Banerjee, D.

242 1 artikel
40 Perturbed angular correlation spectra due to rotating electric field gradients Zacate, Matthew O.

242 1 artikel
41 Pyrazole's substituents effect on the spin state of [Fe(bpp)2]2+complexes Oulmidi, Afaf

242 1 artikel
42 Room temperature magnetic ordering in very dilute Iron doped with and without selenium substitutions in antimony matrix Sarkar, Mitesh

242 1 artikel
43 SCO phenomenon for assembled Fe(II) complexes using low symmetry ligand Kato, Akane

242 1 artikel
44 Sm valence determination of Sm-based Intermetallics using 149Sm Mössbauer and Sm LIII-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopies Tsutsui, Satoshi

242 1 artikel
45 Structural, magnetic and mössbauer studies of GdFexMn1-xO3 multiferroic materials Bzour, F.

242 1 artikel
46 Structural, magnetic and Mössbauer studies of Ndfexmn1-Xo3 perovskite Manganites Al-Yahmadi, I. Z.

242 1 artikel
47 Study of interface and its role in an unusual magnetization reversal in 57FeCoB/MgO bilayer Jamal, Md. Shahid

242 1 artikel
48 Study of obliquely deposited 57Fe layer on organic semiconductor (Alq3); interface resolved magnetism under x-ray standing wave Kaushik, Sonia

242 1 artikel
49 Subcomponent self-assembly of a Fe(II) based mononuclear complex for potential NH3 sensing applications Li, Weiyang

242 1 artikel
50 Synthesis, Mössbauer study and catalytic properties of Cu-Ni-Fe- oxide/nitride mixed-phase materials Velinov, N.

242 1 artikel
51 Testing of the iron state in outdated pharmaceuticals using Mössbauer spectroscopy Belyaev, Danil V.

242 1 artikel
52 Testing of the velocity driving system in Mössbauer spectrometers using reference absorbers Oshtrakh, M. I.

242 1 artikel
53 The effect of Er doping on local structure of magnetite nanoparticles Rodrigues, Priscila S.

242 1 artikel
54 The new WEB-accessible online database of the Mössbauer effect data center Klencsár, Zoltán

242 1 artikel
55 Tuning the magnetic properties of amorphous Fe-Gd thin films by variation of thickness and composition Locovei, Claudiu

242 1 artikel
56 Unexpected effect of boron on magnetic properties and structure of amorphous Fe-rich FeSc alloys Ghafari, M.

242 1 artikel
57 Unusual temperature dependencies of Mössbauer parameters of the nanosized iron cores in ferritin and its pharmaceutical analogues Alenkina, I.V.

242 1 artikel
58 Velocity waveform digitalization for quality control and enhancement of Mössbauer effect spectra acquisition Pasquevich, Gustavo A.

242 1 artikel
59 X-ray and Mössbauer study of phosphosiderite from Atacama, Chile Balatskiy, D.V.

242 1 artikel
60 X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy of impactite from Jänisjärvi astrobleme Maksimova, A. A.

242 1 artikel
                             60 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland