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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A call for standardised snail ecological studies to support schistosomiasis risk assessment and snail control efforts Maes, Tim

848 8 p. 1773-1793
2 Coexistence of the native mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea (Magallana) gigas, does not affect their growth or mortality, but reduces condition of both species Joyce, Patrick W. S.

848 8 p. 1859-1871
3 Detection range and efficiency of acoustic telemetry receivers in a connected wetland system Winter, Emily R.

848 8 p. 1825-1836
4 Divergent responses in morphology and life history to an Asplanchna kairomone between attached and free-swimming Brachionus dorcas (Rotifera) Jiang, Shan

848 8 p. 1925-1937
5 Do darters (Etheostoma sp.) in streams with introduced trout exhibit increased wariness? Johnson, Joseph T.

848 8 p. 1873-1880
6 Effects of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on fish assemblages in a Neotropical floodplain Alves, Jonas C.

848 8 p. 1811-1823
7 Environmental filter drives the taxonomic and functional β-diversity of zooplankton in tropical shallow lakes Diniz, Leidiane Pereira

848 8 p. 1881-1895
8 Identifying the influence of zebra and quagga mussels on sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in western Lake Erie Yuan, Fasong

848 8 p. 1897-1909
9 Looking back, looking forward: a review of the new literature on diatom teratological forms (2010–2020) Falasco, Elisa

848 8 p. 1675-1753
10 Macroinvertebrate seedbank survival in pristine and nutrient-enriched intermittent streams and its contribution to flow phase communities Loskotová, Barbora

848 8 p. 1911-1923
11 Pond-adjacent grass height and pond proximity to water influence predation risk of pond fish by amphibians in small fish ponds of Kakamega County, western Kenya Otieno, Nickson Erick

848 8 p. 1795-1809
12 The prokaryotic community in an extreme Antarctic environment: the brines of Boulder Clay lakes (Northern Victoria Land) Azzaro, Maurizio

848 8 p. 1837-1857
13 Variability in periphyton community and biomass over 37 years in Lake Tahoe (CA-NV) Atkins, Karen S.

848 8 p. 1755-1772
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland