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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Biomass and vegetation carbon stock in mangrove forests of the Andaman Islands, India Ragavan, P.

848 20 p. 4673-4693
2 Correction to: Non-native poeciliids in hot water: the role of thermal springs in facilitating invasion of tropical species Tuckett, Quenton M.

848 20 p. 4747
3 Effects of a fire retardant on the Near Eastern Fire Salamander Salamandra infraimmaculata and aquatic community structure: an experimental approach Ozeri, Lital

848 20 p. 4713-4729
4 Non-native poeciliids in hot water: the role of thermal springs in facilitating invasion of tropical species Tuckett, Quenton M.

848 20 p. 4731-4745
5 Parasitism by isopods in sandy beach fish assemblages: role of urbanization and environmental characteristics Shah Esmaeili, Yasmina

848 20 p. 4885-4901
6 Phosphorus concentrations into a subtropical lake strongly influence nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen export, and Chl a concentrations Turner, R. Eugene

848 20 p. 4787-4800
7 Potential niche displacement in species of aquatic bdelloid rotifers between temperate and tropical areas Jaturapruek, Rapeepan

848 20 p. 4903-4918
8 Redistribution of the lizardfish Harpadon nehereus in coastal waters of China due to climate change Wang, Linlong

848 20 p. 4919-4932
9 Responses of the ecological characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activities in Rotaria rotatoria to UV-B radiation Zhu, Lingyun

848 20 p. 4749-4761
10 Risks for overwintering eggs of the dragonfly Sympetrum vicinum in aquatic and terrestrial environments Martin, Rosemary L.

848 20 p. 4933-4944
11 Short-term effects of winter warming and acidification on phytoplankton growth and mortality: more losers than winners in a temperate coastal lagoon Domingues, Rita B.

848 20 p. 4763-4785
12 Spatio-temporal drivers of different oomycete beta diversity components in Brazilian rivers da Silva, Natanael José

848 20 p. 4695-4712
13 The importance of transitions for hatching success and brood mortality in the barnacle Chthamalus fragilis under laboratory conditions Dunn, Paul H.

848 20 p. 4851-4859
14 The lack of avoidance of total dissolved gas supersaturation in juvenile rainbow trout Pleizier, Naomi K.

848 20 p. 4837-4850
15 Trophic positions and niche segregation of two anuran species in the ecosystem of a forest lake Reshetnikov, Andrey N.

848 20 p. 4801-4814
16 Tropical macrophytes promote phytoplankton community shifts in lake mesocosms: relevance for lake restoration in warm climates Sim, Darren Z. H.

848 20 p. 4861-4884
17 What ecological and functional changes follow the positioning of an artificial barrier? Answers from a 4-year investigation on soft bottom benthic communities D’Alessandro, Michela

848 20 p. 4815-4835
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland