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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Differences in relative air humidity affect responses to soil salinity in freshwater and salt marsh populations of the dominant grass species Phragmites australis Song, Huijia

848 14 p. 3353-3369
2 Genetic diversity patterns in Phragmites australis populations in straightened and in natural river sites in Lithuania Naugžemys, Donatas

848 14 p. 3317-3330
3 Impact of vegetation harvesting on nutrient removal and plant biomass quality in wetland buffer zones Jabłońska, E.

848 14 p. 3273-3289
4 Intraspecific differences of Asian/Australian Phragmites australis subgroups reveal no potentially invasive traits Xie, Liujuan

848 14 p. 3331-3351
5 Potential of an estuarine salt marsh plant (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud10751) for phytoremediation of bezafibrate and paroxetine Dias, Sofia

848 14 p. 3291-3304
6 Preface: Wetland ecosystems—functions and use in a changing climate Eller, Franziska

848 14 p. 3255-3258
7 Seed bank has the potential for re-colonising urban stormwater ponds after reconstruction Lenzewski, Nikola

848 14 p. 3305-3316
8 Short-term effects of soil moisture on soil organic carbon decomposition in a coastal wetland of the Yellow River Delta Qu, Wendi

848 14 p. 3259-3271
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland